🎬Chapter 8🎬

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Please see: This chapter has a bit of depressing stuff (I don't know how to explain it without spoiling.) so if you want to skip the potentially triggering parts feel free to do so by just not reading this part. :) I care about you.

Hailey looked up, upon hearing the knocking and pounding at the door~ "What did you do?" She ran over to open it but was pulled back by Jamie~ "You can't. The gas is already around them."

Harry gazed down at his friend panting for air; broken and helpless. He fixed him on his shoulder then headed for the second floor. They got to the steps but the gas seemed to be creeping up the faster at this point, they climbed up as fast as they could. Glancing back at the fog, Harry turned right and continued along the corridor.

"Stop." With a faint sound, Harry followed his friend's command.

"G?" He questioned, waiting for an explanation.

Greg leaned his head back behind Harry towards a storage room just off the corner of his shoulder. He had just spotted white suits stocked up in it.

"In there." He lifted his weak hands and Harry listened. He laid Greg in the dark small room and quickly closed the door. He stuck some newspaper around the door's creases to spear some time before covering their mouths and noses as they talked to each other in a nasally tone.

"The suits, Harry. Put one on." Greg ordered as he grabbed one struggling but quickly strapping it up from his foot, through his hands. He then zipped it up and slapped on the head mask.

"You know, you'll be the first groom to arrive after the bride... Pretty romantic." Harry smirked.

Greg looked over at Harry and chuckled.

Harry looked over at Greg and chuckled.

They both let out a long genuine laugh then a sigh.

"Harry~" Greg paused for a second, he reached over the hold Harry's shoulder then looked him straight in the eye before saying. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I couldn't save him. I'm sorry I just watched. I'm sorry I didn't stand up for him. I'm sorry because I could've done something, anything and he wouldn't be in that box now."

"Leave me alone." He exclaimed, nudging their hands off of his shoulder.

"You think you could be a cop, you have to be strong like us! You're just a flimsy little boy." They laughed and chucked him.

"I said leave me alone." He stared down at his plate of rice, peas and chicken. He picked at it, thinking about what they said to him.

"No can do. Once we pick out the weak one, there's no going back."

Greg's eyes rose up from the paper he was reading, he glanced up, meeting the eye's of one of the pestering students. They growled at him and he rolled his eyes and got up, walking away. He turned back one more time before, giving a slight sigh upon seeing Johnathan staring up at him.

Greg wandered up to this dorm, head stuck in a book about planes. He climbed up unto the bed and threw the book at the wall before slapping his head a bunch of times. He then stared at the ceiling for a while until John barged in, he rushed to the bed and stuck his head deep into his pillow.

The young man sat up and peeped below. "John, you okay?" He twisted his lips.

"I'm great. Thanks for asking." He said sarcastically.

"Why don't you transfer?" He suggested, looking through the window at the bullies smoking cigarettes and drinking beers behind the big maple tree that stood in the yard.

"Will it make a difference? Everywhere I go, i-it's the same thing. "

"I think you'll make a great cop, Johnny... You did get into school, didn't you? That shows you got potential, kid."

"Hmm." He turned his head to face Greg before pulling the covers up over his face.

Vrr! Vrr! Greg picked up his vibrating phone. "Hello?"

"Are you coming to the track meet or not?"

"It's Seven, already?" He checked his watch before murmuring curses and jumping off the bed. He hit the bunk before heading through the door.

"See you later, Jonathan."

Harry blinked his eyes and clenched his teeth, they were now wet and he couldn't stop it.

Greg went on to say. "If there's anyone you should blame it's me, I saw it all happen and I didn't do anything."

Days strode on but Johnny still felt like he was living in the same nightmare, nothing seemed to move and the hours of torment turned into days.

Greg always kept to himself, his misfortune of losing his father then mother silenced him for a while and he did only what benefited him. With every passing day, he regretted his past selfish persona.

The loud, obnoxious coughing caught Greg's attention, he gazed over at the frothing foursome, holding their throats and begging for water. He looked around the room for Johnathan; his mind with straight to the outcast. He lowered his glass then he took a closer look at the sign by the door:


Todd Heathers

Jacob Santuro

Lizzie McDonald

Johnathan Bishops

Kira Williams

The people started crowding around the dying students, their hands suddenly stopped moving, their lungs stopped producing air and their hearts stopped beating.

Greg had already left the room, he ran out of the cafeteria and into the field, he looked around; spotted a crowd of trainees and graduating policemen hovering around something. He gazed up at the top of the building. He squeezed through the people to see his friend on the floor, lying lifeless with open eyes. He could've sworn, he was still breathing, it even looked like he blinked at him. He felt like he was trying to say something.

The days had been long and to Greg, they were short. Not many people wondered about why he did it but Greg knew, he knew and it haunted him every day of his miserable life. That's why he found out about Harry, he was Johnny's little brother. Harry looked up to his brother even though, people called Johnathan small or feeble for the structure of his body. His brother took care of him, fed him, thought him all he knew. Harry was depressed; he had no one to help him build cars, no one to beat at basketball and no one to talk to. John was like a father to him, he was strong in so many different ways and Harry hoped people would see that. He hoped people would see the man John would've been. 

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