What this book was going to be

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Hello everyone!

This is Cinder, the author of this book. (DuH) But uh. As im writing this, this book has 8.1k reads. Like woah. Okay. So if you liked my book great! But uh. This book, in my opinion is dumb. Well not really. How do I put this? My writing here SUCKS!

Some of you know me from my book Loveless(Its being rewritten and has been put in my drafts). But uh. Both books are completely OLD and i would like to believe that my writing has improved. As I read this book, again, my thoughts were: Holy crap, this stuff sucks. But hey, we all start sucky in someways.

As of rn, I have 2 books going. They Talk- Another CP x Reader, and Imperium- A original story. 
But thats not why were here!

Okay this was my first FINISHED book and Im so happy everyone liked it!

This book was going to have a sequal about Y/Ns kid- But instead of Creepypastas i was going to introduce Yanderes. I like a whole lot of Fandoms XD, so like yeah. But this book was made up of Y/N, her sibling, and her former lover, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

I get alot of critique comments and im like: This book sucks, im going to leave it sucky forever and let people deal with it.

Man , I spelled Slenderman, SLENDORMAN XDDD . That makes me laugh. Sorry my bbs, its staying. XDDDDDD

Anyway. Yeet, so more story was goin to happen in the Sequal

Firstly, Y/N's lover would have been Yandere and would try to go for (kill) her kid and her kid (Named Y/N jr) would have already had some Yandere fan base and they would protect her. She would have to move back to Slender mansion and yeah- The boys would try to follow and get lost in the woods, only one would make it into the mansion and that would be Y/Ns jr lover- he would become a cp and happy ever after.


-Cinder (Might change name to Ace soon-)

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