The greatest deceit

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Finwë was staring at his son with a sense of foreboding, he felt his insides clenching and he just knew that this was serious. He tried to remain calm, to hide his worries, Fëanor was agitated enough as it was and he didn't want to add fuel to the fire. "You are sure about this?"

His son nodded, the grey eyes dark with emotions Finwë couldn't recognize, there was so much of himself in his son and yet sometimes Fëanor seemed almost feral, untamed like some wild beast. The fire burning in those eyes sometimes frightened even Finwë and he regretted that their relationship had become so strained, but his son would never forgive him for having remarried. «Yes, there is no doubt about it, I have seen it for myself."

Finwë sighed and turned towards the window, the city lay bathed in the light of Telperion and he did feel weird. It was almost a sort of anger burning within him, a sort of resistance. «The idea is terrible son, it will ruin him"

Fëanor stepped forth. "He is strong, he will cope. It is better that way, it will provide him with a much needed shield. We have enemies atar, if they find out about this they will..."

Finwë pinched the bridge of his nose, took a deep breath. "Use it against us yes, I know. But it is taking it a bit too far wouldn't you say? We are not Vanyar, I know they have a custom of doing this but the noldor have never been meddling with the hearts of others this way"

Fëanor almost growled. «I am doing it for him damn it. Imagine the scandal? He is a good son, a respected member of court, he has influence. And his brothers will suffer too, it will affect us all if it gets out."

Finwë closed his eyes. «And yet, if he really loves him then..."

Fëanor interrupted him harshly. «He can continue shagging his cousin for all I care, but under the cover of a marriage. I have already found the perfect nis for him, everything is organized"

Finwë almost moaned. «Sometimes your impatience is frightening! You ought to think this through son, and have you even bothered to ask him what he may feel about this arrangement of yours?"

Fëanor sent his father an almost wry grin. «No, he won't have the time to protest. He will do as he is being told atar, I am his father after all»

Finwë wanted to protest, to say that he after all was the grandfather and should have some influence on the family affairs too but he knew that Fëanor never would obey him, not anymore. "Still I think this is rather rash, and unwise."

Fëanor shrugged. "He'll get married, so what? We both know how little that word is worth right?"

The words were spat out and Finwë managed to restrain his own wrath but only barely. «He is not me son, nor is he you. He ought to rule his own fate!"

Fëanor sneered. «And ruin the rest of our family, our reputation and honor? No atar, I didn't come to ask for permission, just to let you know that it will be done. Do not think that your arguments are valid here, for they are not!"

The king of the noldor felt something constricting within his chest, when did his son become so resentful, so adamant and willful he refused to listen to common sense? «I see, but for the sake of your son, please, reconsider this."

Fëanor sent him a flaming glance, there was something almost malevolent in those eyes and Finwë felt a sudden urge to back away from him, but he didn't. «I won't. I have made my decision atar. You can tell those bastards of yours that they are welcome at the wedding, even that brat my son is fucking."

Fëanor walked out of the hall with his robes flowing behind him and Finwë wondered yet again how his mild and gentle Miriel could have given birth to something that frustratingly stubborn and wild. But this would not end well, he just knew it. It would result in a disaster and he sat down and closed his eyes. He loved his son and he loved his grandchildren dearly and he wanted them to be happy. But Fëanor was at least partly right, if his grandson went public with his relationship to his own cousin there would be an uproar, made even worse by the fact that they both were male. The noldor didn't care that much about same sex relationships but the Vanyar did and those darn pious families were powerful enough to cause them all problems.

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