The worth of a favour

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He could clearly see that his name did cause some sort of reaction but he didn't think she knew who he was, after all, the sindar and silvan and avarin elves who had been reborn in Aman stayed away from the noldor and they preferred the forests to the cities of the coast. He did know that the story of the fall of Doriath was well known, many had been telling it and it was almost common knowledge but few knew of the details. He smiled, a bit of a sad smile. "I served under king Elu Thingol. And died when he did, as dwarves tried to steal a silmaril from him"

Lerina swallowed, she had heard about that, but she had only been told that the king had tried to get the silmaril fitted into a necklace and that the dwarves in greed and madness had slain him. "Oh, I am sorry. I...I think I have heard your name, but I cannot remember when"

He nodded. "I was a marchwarden of the king, one of his best warriors. I tried to protect him and the treasure but the dwarves were too many and took us by surprise, I was cut down in front of the doors to the treasury"

Lerina shivered, his tone was relaxed, casual, as if being murdered was something quite normal. "That sounds absolutely terrible"

He grinned. "It was, and I refused to listen to the call too, stayed there as a spirit until the sons of Fëanor came to claim the silmaril, too many died then and I couldn't refuse the doomsman any longer, we were all dragged to the halls."

She froze, stared down. She had heard what the brothers of Maedhros had done, had heard how they were killed as they yet again were slaying their own kin, and all because of the silmarils, those accursed jewels. If only Fëanor had never made them in the first place. " were reborn two years ago?"

He nodded. " Indeed, and I have tried to get used to this land and its spirit. I must say it is better than I thought it would be, the forests are grand, and beautiful and I already love them."

Lerina tried to smile but her lips felt stiff still, the smile looked a bit forced. " I am glad, it is very lovely here yes"

He tilted his head, straightening the tack of the mule and trying to decipher her odd body language. "Have you lived in this area for long? You said you were of Tirion?"

She nodded. " Yes, but my daughter and her husband lives here and there was a disease ruining the orchards around the city so I moved here to continue my business"

He got the mule to move, the animal didn't like being pulled along but he was so strong it couldn't resist. "That is a tough way of making a living, in special when you are alone. Do you collect only nuts?"

He tried to make a pleasant conversation, to make her trust him. He was getting more and more curious and he really wanted to get to know her better, in lots of ways. She blushed slightly, there was a glimpse of pride in her eyes. " I do collect fruits and berries too, and use them to make everything from jam to dye. It was a very good business before that disease."

He realized that she was very dedicated to her work, and proud of it too. "What sort of nuts do you collect? I have been roaming these forest far and wide and know of every holt there is, maybe I can be of some help?"

She sort of made a gesture which could represent both eager surprise and confusion. " Ah, I do mostly collect walnuts and hazelnuts, and also some other types when they are in season"

He smiled, a warm smile that for some reason made her stomach feel as if there were butterflies trapped within it. " Do you use those large nuts with white husks and brown stripes?"

She nodded, eagerly. "Oh yes, many love them, and they are so tasty but they are rare. I have only found one groove of them and it is small"

He knew what to do now, how to approach this. He had a plan! "I know of several grooves of those trees, most west of the river. I can show you if you like?"

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