Like a festering wound...

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The party was drawing nearer, and Lerina was getting more nervous by the hour. The last couple of days had been rather busy with all sorts of preparations and the last thing they did before leaving for Tirion was to make sure that Lerina knew the latest gossip, and knew how the dances that were in fashion by now. Fingon had shown her the steps and it had been fun but she was terrified of having to dance with someone she didn't know. Maedhros reassured her that they would do what they could to ensure that she didn't have to dance with strangers at all and she knew that all the ner in the family would try to keep her occupied.

But she was afraid of what she would encounter, she just knew that it would be a terrible challenge and she shivered as she sat in the wagon on the way to the palace. Maedhros sat next to her, holding her hand and his huge warm hand felt so safe. It was the only thing that stopped her from bursting into tears. As they got closer to the city it was rather apparent that something was going on for there were banners hung everywhere in the queens colors and the streets were decorated with sand colored in bright colors. There were elves everywhere wearing their finery and the scent of perfume and flowers was almost a bit too much.

The palace was also decorated and it was an awesome sight but Lerina felt a bit repulsed by all the pomp and circumstance. It was just too much, it became vulgar in a way. The vanyar liked it that way, and so Finwë did let his wife have her way but it was rather apparent that the noldor found the splendor a bit overwhelming The carriage stopped and Maedhros leaned forth and kissed her cheek gently. "Remember, hold your head up high and do not let anything scare you. I am here little one. You are more gorgeous than any of them, remember that"

Fingon nodded in agreement and Lerina smiled but her eyes were huge and dark. The seamstress had done such a stunning job and the ladies of the mansion had put up Lerina's hair and put a small circlet with tiny emeralds on her. The gems she had gotten from Fëanor were glittering around her neck and from her ears and she felt as though she was over decorated somehow. The makeup the servants had put on her made her look way less pale than she would be otherwise and brought some color to her cheeks and she had looked in the mirror and couldn't quite believe that this was her. She did look stunning and she found some strength in that. At least they couldn't claim that she looked like a child anymore.

Fingon was wearing some very elegant robes in light blue and silver and he had braided his hair and looked very handsome but her husband was even more striking in appearance. To match Lerina he had put on some clothes in dark green with copper trimming and he was so gorgeous she knew that many would forget about her and just stare at him instead. They were met by Maedhros oldest brother Maglor who stood by the entrance and looked stressed out. "Just my usual luck isn't it? They want me to sing!"

Maedhros gave him a friendly pat across the back. "Then I will remember to find something to stuff into my ears, just joking brother, I think they have made a great decision. Your voice is the best"

Maglor took a deep breath. " So speaks the one who never has had to sing a note in all his life!"

Lerina giggled and Maglor took her hand and kissed it gently. "Lerina dear, you look like a vala, being married must be good for you for you are radiant"

She giggled again and Maglor nodded towards the entrance. "You are among the last to arrive, the rest of the family is already waiting. Worry not, this will be a grand evening"

Lerina did doubt that but she managed to put on a shaky smile and Maedhros grasped her hand and they walked up the stairs. Fingon entered with Maglor a few paces behind them, and he didn't even look at Maedhros and Lerina knew how much it hurt them both that they couldn't arrive together like the couple they really were. The great hall was glorious, the colors and the lights and everything was almost otherworldly and Lerina was staring at the strange lamps Fëanor had crafted for so long that she didn't even notice that an ellon wearing Finwë's uniform announced them. Suddenly hundreds of heads turned and stared and Lerina felt a sudden and acute need to run and seek cover. Maedhros held her hand, whispering. "Relax, you are safe. They cannot harm you"

The darkening of heartsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ