The Beginning

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"Oh so you just HAPPENED to loose my bag," said Donna

"Well, kinda... Sorta... ya i lost your bag," replied the Doctor

Donna talked to him angrily,"well then let's go back in time, and get it."

"SO WHERE DO YA WANNA GO NEXT!?" responded the Doctor trying to change the conversation.

"Oh I'll tell ya where, I wanna go back, and FIND. MY. BAG."

"Oh c'mon"

Donna stared at him for a long time and finally spoke again.

"Alright fine", said Donna, "but you owe me."

"Alrighty then! So, where do YOU wanna go?"

"Oh I don't know how about some planet that doesn't have something that's gonna kill us."

The Doctor stared lost in thought. He always did that, stared off and thought to himself. Really, to human beings, it would sound like gibberish but, to him, it was ALL normal.

"So where do you wanna go?" He said finally

Donna rolled her eyes and sat down on a pillar. After a while, she noticed something. It was a slight hum that sounded almost like a phone vibration. Then she felt it, the vibration. The Doctor, lost in thought, didn't seem to show any indication that he noticed the weird noise and feeling.

"Doctor," said Donna, "do you feel that?"

"Hm what"

"That vibration, do you feel it?"

"Oh YA I do feel a little som-"

The Doctor was cut off as the TARDIS began to shake and twist. Donna grabbed ahold of the pillar but the Doctor was to far away to grab ahold of anything. He rolled around the TARDIS trying to grab anything he could, but to no avail. Suddenly the TARDIS doors flew open. They slammed shut then opened again over and over. The Doctor hollered as he began to roll helplessly towards the doors. "DOCTOR" screamed Donna as he rolled out of the doors. Donna, without hesitation, let go and fell through the doors after him. To her surprise, they weren't far from the tree line. Donna slammed into the small and flimsy branches of the trees. "OOF," she said as she hit the ground.

She sat up and said to her self "Well..... That could have been worse."

She stood and began to brush the leaves from her arms and body, then, she remembered "the Doctor" she gasped. Quickly she sped around in circles looking in each direction. She noticed a small brown blob that blended in with the leaves. "Ooh," she said, " there he is." She ran towards the Doctor as he was just getting up.

She watched him turn in circles round and round again.

" Hm.... Looks like earth"

"Yeah it does a bit," said Donna. "Is that where we are?"

"I think," said the doctor. "Weeeeell... maybe not."

" Why do you say that?"

"Well I don't remember earth having walking trees."

Donna looked in amazement at a tree. Long and green, walking through the forest.

"Hide," said the Doctor

He and Donna moved together behind the tree next to them.

"W- what do we do?" Asked Donna

"I'm not sure"

The Doctor watched the walking tree curiously as it slowly moved around the area soundly and harmlessly. Suddenly, they both heard something closely behind them. It sounded like a wooden door slowly closing shut. They quickly looked into each other's eyes then sped around to directly behind them. The noise was of a bow string. Standing before them was a "man" it seemed with pointy ears and long golden hair with an arrow pointed at the Doctors skull. The walking tree suddenly appeared behind them trapping them between the "man" and him.

Donna sighed in disappointment,"oh you've GOT to be kidding me."

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