CHAPTER 1: I'm gonna do it

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This story turns out to be partly fictional, so most of the people, places and events are not real.

Abdullah was just a naïve young boy who was in year nine in a school I'm not sure of, plus the story is completely based on his love life so, you all really don't need to know his school. Am I right?😅

Abdullah was tall, about six feet at that time.He was fair in complextion, He had a nice stature(he was not too fat neither was he too slim), he had "dreamy eyes", his eyes were very bright. That's what girls call it right?
He had silky dark hair which he always combed backwards. He had long eyelashes, pink lips and a nose that was a li'l bit pointy. He was a guy girls would kill for. (Even if my description didn't sound like it, try picturing it in your head, you'll see what I mean).

Sooo. back to the story, Abdullah had a lot of friends, he was basically "almost" the coolest boy in his class. He was a boy who seemed not only to Love girls, but Live girls, that was because he mostly thought of girls all his life, he was more of like a "playa" but without the "adult stuff" I musn't mention if you know what I mean.🤣

But despite everything mentioned about Abdullah, he still had such a wonderful taste for the kind of girls he dated, even at such a young age. You could tell from all this that Abdullah was a rich kid. He liked; Tall, Beautiful(even without makeup), not too fat nor slim, quiet, more like reserved, rich girls. I mean isn't that just awesome?. He was a playa with such incredible taste. Plus, who doesn't like girls with such qualities.

**Simple joke I don't mean to offend any of my readers, hope the brown skinned girls reading this aren't offended and wont hate me for this?

Abdullah had his first crush in year nine, he was 13 years at that time. Her name was Aisha and sure, she had all the "qualities" Abdullah was looking for.

Abdullah's POV:

Ya Allah!, "Even if I'm not fully religious , at least to a certain point, I try my best, I pray most of the time, and even when I miss prayer, I only watch t.v for 30 minutes before I repay the salah I've missed".

Ya Allah! "Please make Aisha love me". I prayed to myself as I was in the car, going to school. My mom drove us to school that day, so I had all the time in the world to think about anything I wanted to.

*Hint: I think she was the slowest driver I knew, he said to himself as he giggled silently.

"Finally I was in school", I thought to myself as I alighted from the car and waved my mom good bye.

I was filled with joy, as I was going to talk to Aisha today, I thought to myself. Hmmm....." She's going to like me",, I also thought to myself with very little confidence . " I think a lot", I thought to myself, thinking about why I think so much...

As I walked up the stairs straight to my class, Thinking to myself "I'm gonna do it"


So... that's all for now guys, at least you all know a little about Abdullah.I hope you enjoy this story.

Btw... Abdullah is completely fictional and I do not know him😉😉

Thanks a lot guys, keep reading to find out what happened to Abdullah next. Sorry this chapter is short i'll work on the next In sha Allah(If Allah wills)

With love:


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