CHAPTER 3: A love story begins

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Hey guys, I'm finally here with the update of my story.Though I must apologize for keeping you waiting.
Also, I want to appreciate everyone of you for continuing with my story. It means a lot to me.
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Abdullah's POV:
I immediately got lost in thoughts as I heard Aisha's reply to my greeting. I was so happy, I noticed my legs started to lift off the ground, It was like my whole body was starting to malfuction, first it was my hands, now this?. "Why"? I asked myself, "because of Aisha"? I asked myself again, as I struggled to control my body before it did anything more stupid than it already had. I noticed Aisha was smiling at me, maybe she thought i was just trying to act funny. I couldn't help more than to smile back "Ya Allah! her smile was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my entire life"......

I couldn't keep it to myself any longer, I had to tell her! "Aisha, you have the prettiest smile ever" I confidently said. As i noticed we were both getting a bit familiar with each other.
"Really?" She asked curiously.
"Yes! Wallahi" I replied trying to convince her.

Then my eyes came across something even more beautiful than her smile. She blushed,
Subhanallah!, you need to see her blush, as a result of her complextion, her cheeks turned pinkinsh red. She looked so cute.

"Thank you". She responded to my compliment with a smile.
Ugghh... I think I'm in love, I said to myself.

(Bell rings)
The break was over and before I knew it, Aisha's friends trooped into the class yelling her name, I think they had some "gist" for her. You know girls would always be girls no matter the century.
Luckily for me, I left her seat two seconds before they showed up. "I think she likes me", I said to myself happily. It was time for the next subjuect, we were to have English, which was my favourite subject. I tried so hard not to stare at Aisha all through the class, though it was hard but it was worth it. I didn't want to act all weird just yet, even though I was, a litlle bit though. I mostly displayed it at home as my sister always complained.

Soon, the English teacher was through and it was time for Dhur prayer (Noon prayer). "Today must be my lucky day" I said out loud, not to myself as I always did. I was the assistant amir in my school, So I had another chance to talk to her, Cuz I was in charge of making sure everyone was at the masjid (mosque) whenever it was time to offer salah(prayer).

"Aisha!, It's time for Dhur" I said softly to her.
"Okay then, let's go!"She replied me with a smile.

About 30 minutes later, the prayer was concluded and we all had to depart to our various homes. My driver was the only person who just had to ruin my day, he came to pick me early for the first tme ever in like three years of my stay in this school. "What's wrong with him"?. I asked angrily.

"I couldn't tell her bye, no thanks to this man, he's just so good at pissing me off" I grumbled .
"What did you say?" Mr. Isa asked.
"Nothing!," I lied my way out of it.

Why on earth is Abdullah acting so dumb? I thought he is a playa, then why is he finding it so difficult to talk to Aisha? Maybe he was just so bad at even playing, I giggled

Abdullah's POV:
Abdurrahman!, what's the matter with you? You just knew me like two chapters ago and you're already calling me a playa. I'm not a playa, and I do not play!

It's just that a lot of girls throw themselves at me, and the moment i try to pay little attention, their friends think we're dating and I honestly don't like most of 'em. And they don't usually tell their friends that we're not. That's probably why they tagged me a "playa".But I really didn't care about what any of them said, but when you also called me that, I just started developing hatred for you. And yet you would claim to know me!.
Well..... I guess I can't really take you as a friend then.

End of POV

My pleading lasted for about two days, before Abdullah finally accepted my apology, I really hurt his feelings, and so did you guys by not confirming what I said and just concluded I was right.

"Friends"? I asked with curiousity in my tone
"Yeah!, sure" he replied with a smile on his face.

"Abdurrahman!" Abdullah yelled, as he tried to laugh at the same time. "You know, you did a really good job trying to make your chapter 3 seem longer to the readers with this argument. It did make it look a lil' bit longer. But for the record, I'm not a playa and I don't like being called one.
"Yes wallahi, I knew it would be a good idea. I hope they don't find out". I said with a wink.
We both laughed and hoped the readers did too. :D

Aisha's POV:
Alhamdullillah I'm home!. I said salaam(greetings ) to my mom. She was not feeling too well, so she didn't go to the office today.

"How was school?" she asked.
" Fine mom and your health?" I asked also.
" I feel much better Halaawah(sweet)" she replied.

So.... let me introduce myself a little. My name is Aisha, Halaawah's my nickname, maybe cuz i love sweets, I'm the second child of the Sulaiman family. I have an elder brother whose name is khalid, he's currently studying at Cardiff university in the U.K. He is 18 years of age, and that made him 5 years older than I.

My booba(dad) as I call him, Mr. kareem sulaiman is a renown surgeon in his hospital, somewhere in the city central, I wasn't sure cuz I hardly fell sick and i had a phobia for hospitals, maybe because i was afraid of shots. That's why i never followed my dad to work.

On the other hand, my mooma(mom) as i also call her, Mrs. Rasheedah sulaiman was a banker, whose office I had never been to also, I think it was because the bank was always crowdy and i hate crowd.
I hated a lot of things and i didn't even know why I did.

One of the things I hated most was how my friends gush over how beautiful I am but i don't really see it. There's really nothing special about me, I'm an average 13 year old, fair in complextion, about 5'7 feet tall, I'm in the same class with Abdullah as you would have known by now and I have long dark hair. Anything special about that? Though, I know I have very hot bar stool legs which is really something to envy especially when they were the legs of a 13 year old and i knew very much that girls my age and even older would kill for them.
I took my bath, changed into some loose clothes, I really needed some air to blow off all the school stress. I then focused on my home work, by the time i was through, the time was already 6:15pm."I think these teachers just wanted to kill us with all this homework" I said angrily.

"Aisha" Aunty Halima called, come have dinner!
"On my way aunty" i replied. Aunty Halima was our cook, she prepared the best delicacies , I wonder where she learnt them all from.

My mom was already asleep, the sickness really weighed her down, and my dad had an emergency to attend to in the hospital, so I was the only one on the dinning table, I ate my food slowly as I thought of Abdullah all through.
30 minutes later, I was through and I headed back to my room, I didn't have time to watch t.v as it was almost 8:00, which was my bedtime. I laid on my bed and kept thinking of "you know who" until my eyes shut slowly and I slept off.

What did you guys think? To all you guys reading,voting and commenting, you're all really amazing! I am so happy to see that most of you are enjoying my story. I get really excited to see notifications from y'all. Till my next update.

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