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The sound of sirens ringing in his ears, Harushin was quick to make his escape. With the final image of that woman's grey eyes. Filled with hope for the young man, despite her sure demise. Even if she In fact promised she would not fall that night. Harushin knew her words were nothing but lies. Ones he would now have to live with. Knowing she had sacrificed her own life for his own, was enough to bring the quiet Harushin to tears.

Gritting his teeth, Harushin then dipped into the shadows of a nearby building. Clinging to the wall tightly, as patrol vehicles were quick to speed pass him. Their lights missing him for the time being, as Harushin was not too sure where he should turn for sanctuary. At first he believed the police would be his best bet, but with the sudden fire being set to the lab. And Harushin's appearance, it wouldn't be uncommon if the police believed he guilty of arson and the plausible death of that female scientist. Who's name seemed to escape Harushin.

But even though her name was absent; Harushin would forever be grateful to her. For in that moment in those flames. She was his hero. Someone who strove to protect others, and bring smiles upon their faces. Swallowing a shaky breath, Harushin continued to maneuver through the shroud of night. Moving as silent as a cat, each step with purpose. Harushin continued until coming to a sudden halt. Hearing the footsteps of at least a dozen coming towards him. Had they found him already? Fearfully Harushin hid within the pitch black darkness, praying that no one would notice him.

And it appeared to be Harushin's lucky night, for the footsteps belonged to none other than police officers. Who seemed to be desperately on the look out for a suspect, that surprisingly was not Harushin. "We lost sight of her." One of the officers reported back using his walkie talkie to converse with other officers. "District 12 clear as well." "But how is that even possible? Do you think she used the explosion at that old lab as a decoy?" Another officer questioned his higher ranking officer who simply sighed absent mindedly.

"We can't conclude anything yet without evidence. Stay on your toes, I have a feeling were not alone here." The Police Chief advised, his subordinates immediately placing their hands on their gun holsters. Prepared for hopefully anything that this dangerous suspect had to throw at them. But could a young girl really that dangerous? Still clinging to the shadows Harushin swore he saw a hint of light in the opposite direction he stood. The light inviting which confused Harushin as he found himself carelessly walking towards the source without any caution. But what he noticed as well was that one by one the police officers did the seem. Each walking as if they were in some sort of trance. Their "Chief" beckoning them to come to their senses. Seeming to be aware of what was going on.

The man calling out into the night, ordering the perpetrator to come out. It was then that the sudden movement from the shadows made itself known to the Police Chief and others. Each drawing their guns with great difficulty. The muzzled of them aimed at none other than a young woman. Who slowly emerged from the shadows; her lilac eyes landing on the police officers. Her eyes seeming to bore into the very souls of the men. Appearing to almost bend the men to her will with a mere gaze. Though her own gaze was void of any emotion. The young woman tilting her head upward at a slight angle. Her right hand resting on her right eye,seeming to go out of her way to cover it for some reason.

The girl stumbling forward a bit, all the while a strange amber glow emitted from her covered eye. Alarming the Police Chief who ordered his men to shield their eyes. Though his warning proved too late as his men seemed too enthralled by the woman's gaze that they soon fell victim to her terrible quirk. The girl released a strangled cry, her eyes emitting the amber glow which spread out across the area in a brilliant flash. Leaving 2 out of the four officers encased in stone. One of the men releasing a muffled cry as the stone crept up towards his face. Silencing the man for an eternity. All the while the Police Chief lowered his hand from his eyes. He now stared at his petrified men is disbelief and anger. While the other men were quick to charge at the young woman. Weapons in hand, though the woman was quick to turn the tables. Effortlesly disarming one officer, and delivering a swift elbow to the face of the other.

Forcing the officer to stumble backwards; giving the woman the opportunity to flip the other officer over her shoulder. Grappling him to the ground, her foot securely on his face. All the while the woman emptied the officer's gun. Tossing the ammo a great distance away, that vacant expression still plastered on that face of hers. Though the woman now was no longer covering that eye of hers. Appearing to have released the pent of energy of that quirk of hers. The Police Chief growled grabbing a taser on his person,aiming it at the woman. Who now slowly began to make her getaway.

Not seeming to want to draw too much attention to herself, though it proved fruitless with those living statues of hers. For the two men she had turned to stone were indeed still alive. Their hearts still beating until she deemed it time to end them. Allowing the true technique of her quirk surface. The slowly creeping stone wishing to swallow the men's very hearts. Leaving them as dead statues for all to see. A forever reminder of her deeds.

Even if it was not her intention. And yet just as the woman was about to take off running into the night. Strange white wrapping seemed to sprout from above, encasing the girl who struggled within their grip. Screaming in irritation; her mauve orbs darting back and fourth. Eager to find the perpetrator only to be none other than the Pro Hero "Eraser Head". The hero's eyes retaining a red glow alerting to all he was in fact using his quirk "Erasure." As the girl tried to actually use her own quirk on command. Her own eyes slowly retaking that amber glow from before.

"Your quirk won't work on me, I'd give up now. Your caught." Eraser Head stated at the young girl. Who continued to fight against her bindings, continuing to scream in irritation. All the while the glow in her eyes continued to intensify, concerning the Police Chief. "Be careful! Those eyes of hers are still dangerous!" He warned, as Eraser Head now considering his warning sent another wrap which blinded the girl as well. Who still screamed now being unable to see her surroundings. Tears now streaming down her cheeks before the girl ultimately surrendered. Slumping to the ground in a teary mess, while Harushin continued to observe nearby. Still undetected by anyone.

The Police Chief then stepped forward, thanking the Pro Hero for his efforts in the capture. Though Eraser Head apologized for not appearing there in time to save the two sleeping officers. Still encased in stone though the girl was now unable to use her quirk at the moment. "There's still hope. This isn't the first time we've come across this one. She leaves bodies in stone but they are still alive." "Then there is a hope, though if she could control her quirk-" The Pro Hero began, now drawing the Police Chief's attention. "What makes you think she has no control over her quirk?" He questioned as Eraser Head turned his gaze to the now silent young girl. Though her cheeks were still wet with tears.

"Call it a hunch." The Pro Hero remarked as he informed the Police Chief of the clean up crew and other Pro Hero's that would soon arrive at this location. "I will take the girl into custody for the time being." Eraser Head said, tugging on his cloth which retracted abit. Drawing the silent girl closer. As the two quietly left the scene, the girl now under the custody of Eraser Head. And Harushin still on the loose, quietly waiting for his chance to dip into the night. Though there are always terrors in the night. And Harushin was going to across one this very night.

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