The Third Gorgon

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Strapped to a chair in the center of a dark room. The magenta haired teenager huffing under her breathe. Still struggling against her bindings, her mauve orbs blocked by a bandage. The clock temporarily stopping her quirk in its tracks. But not her fury. As the young woman struggled in the chair, so much in fact that she caused all four chair legs to break with a unified snap.

Making the young woman fall to the ground hard on her side, now radiating with pain. Though with this the young woman was able to wiggle free. Yanking off blindfold to reveal those powerful orbs of hers. Which now gave off a dangerous glow that rarely anyone had ever survived now witnessed. That bleary gaze now being recorded on camera by an entire sleuth of heroes. Awaiting to both speak and judge the "Third Gorgon" for not only her crimes. But the crimes of both her mother and sister as well.

"She has the eyes of a villain in the making. Eraser Head should have known better. Bringing her here." "She's just a girl, a mind we can mold surely into someone truly special. She isn't a lost cause." "Not a lost cause! Her mother is a killer! Her father a snake of an Anti hero! And her sister is no better!" "Blood does not define a hero!" A voice boomed over all belonging none other than All Might himself. The number one hero and a veteran hero above all. His words were indeed good council but he was hopeful. Perhaps too hopeful with the history behind the "Three Gorgons". "Ones actions. That's what makes one a hero. I have not heard a thing about this girl attacking civilians and heroes like her family." All Might pointed it only to be told off by another hero who clicked his teeth. "She does however have a record of turning people to stone." "Only those who attack her though, yes?" All Might asked, the sulking hero hesitantly nodding making All Might smile widely. Knowing he had one this debate.

"Then its settled! She deserves the chance to prove what she is capable of. We do not have a right to judge based on her blood." All Might stated now turning his gaze to the screen where it showed the young woman in question. The woman's startling mauve eyes giving off a distinct golden energy. The very same from before which caused the temporarily petritication of those unfortunate to meet her uncontrolled gaze. Gripping into her right eye which began to burn violently, the young woman stumbled to her knees. Her breathing heavily labored as she struggled to hold back this massive quirk of hers. Cursing under her breathe knowing that she would soon fall into the clutches of her own horrendous quirk.

Noticing her distress All Might rushed to the room, barging into the room. Where the young woman lay upon the asphalt ground. Her body trembling violently all the while the intense glow of her right eyes began to spread throughout the entire room. Bathing it and All Might in its unnatural hue. "Keep it together!" Called out All Might, catching the attention of the strained young woman. With great difficulty the woman stood, still shielding her right eye from view. In an effort to force back as much of this pent of energy as possible.

"Stay back! I-I can't...control it!" The young woman shrieked a cry like no other being released from her lips. One filled with true agony and sorrow as the gleam from the woman's right eye intensified greatly. Causing the young woman's body to be overcome by the dangerous glow now centered in her eye and her chest. Gripping onto her chest in pain, the woman cried out once more. Begging for All Might to leave her be with tears cascading down her cheeks.

It was then that All Might realized that he was right. This girl was someone in desperate need of saving not from just the world, but herself. For it appeared she was unable to control that quirk of hers. And was visibly in pain when her quirk would activate. She didn't want this power. She did not want this title of the "Third Gorgon". No she was her own person, someone unsure of her path in life but she knew one thing. As did All Might that moment their eyes met. Those were not the eyes of a killer.

Without any hesitation All Might reached out for the frazzled woman. Grabbing her by the arm and pulling her into a tight embrace. The sudden touch seeming to make her quirk fizzle out, as the dangerous glow in the young girl's eye faded and left her body for a time being. Though in return for the random release of power the entire room was now coated in fresh stone. Quickly hardening within seconds, causing all the on looking Heroes to stare in awe.

As it seemed that the young woman's quirk was also usable against inanimate objects as well. A very handy quirk if only she was able to control it. "Perhaps All Might is right. She could be useful to us." Principal Nezu remarked watching as All Might was able to bring thw young woman out her daze. Asking if she was alright, to this she quietly nodded. Thanking the "Symbol of Peace" for his assistance. But the woman was quick to increase the distance between them. Apologizing for the trouble she caused, though as she did this the woman pulled a pair of black gloves from her pocket. Immediatly slipping them on her hands as a sigh of relief escaped her lips. All Might opened his mouth to question the girl though she was quick to answer. "My quirk isnt just uncontrollable for me. It manifests with physical and eye contact. The gloves keep me from turning everything i touch to stone." She informed the seasoned hero as she turned her gaze to the camera watching her every move.

"Will you let me go?" "I'm afraid not, you'll be questioned by the other heroes of your motives this night. After that I had hopes you would join us." All Might stated, his words confusing the mauve eyed woman. Join them? In the Hero course? With all of the soon to be or would be heroes? No that was not her place. She was no hero. Nor was she a villian. She was stuck between the two, unsure of her best course of action. "You want me, to be a hero?" She asked the Pro Hero before her which shook his head. "No, I want you to be the best you can be. And here we would have all the resources you need. You could one day control that incredible quirk of yours." All Might pointed out peaking the young girl's interest who thought it over for a moment. Before giving a silent nod that she would take him up on the generous offer.

"First question what is your name? I doubt you want to be called a Gorgon for your stay here." All Might joked with a smile. Her name was something that only her family was aware of. Something she didn't drape herself in and yet it felt good to be referred to by her name instead of a monster. "Melure. Call me Mel." She informed with a light smile. As ths beginning of Melure's path was now in the making. Two heroes in training destined to cross paths. In all good time.

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