01 | August 10th, 1976

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Chapter One

August 10th, 1976

The sounds of books coming crashing down from the walls and the echoing down the hallways alert the house dwellers of an intense fight in the study.

Flashes of green and red flood the room as spells are casted around it. Books tumble down from the shelves and papers fly around the room in a frenzy.

The spells don't come from the cowering sixteen year old but the mother of the child.

Walburga Black looks beyond furious with her eldest son as she hurls insults at him. Her voice has reached the highest octave thought possible.

The house is covered in silencing charms as to not notify the muggle neighbours of what goes on behind closed doors at Number 12 Grimmauld Place.

"Oh you stupid boy!"

Orion Black stood in the door frame, hesitating to get involved. He knew that his wife was only reprimanding his son for his recent behaviours.

His actions at Hogwarts were all leading to the same thing; Exile.

Sirius had a plan, but his parents had other plans. His life had been mapped for him, and that was supposed to be end of discussion but Sirius was smart and stubborn.

This last final act was his last break free attempt, but he somehow acted as if it was supposed to fail.

Almost as if a tiny part of him hoped his mother would punish him but forgive him in time.

He would still be Sirius Black, Walburga and Orion's first born, and heir, and Regulus' big brother - where life wouldn't have to change drastically.

Sirius wasn't a fan of change but loved a good fight.

It was only when his father stepped in would be when Sirius had gone too far.

He'd stepped in when he was six for trying to burn Narcissa's hair off when she wouldn't stop screaming and then when he was eight for sneaking out to see the muggles that lived down the road.

Then the only other time Orion stepped him was when he was sorted in Gryffindor and befriended James Potter.

There was one flaw in Sirius' perfectly executed plan.

Orion believed his son really had gone too far this time though and whatever punishment Walburga had intended for him, he had no quarrels with but planned to make his opinion known.

"It's time you learn your place, son," Walburga screeched, pointing her wand at Sirius once more.

He had gone too far this time.

It was time he took his place within the family ranks and did as he was told. There was no more rebelling; she wouldn't stand for it any longer.

She'd had a discussion with her husband earlier on about marrying him off to one of their distant cousins once Sirius came of age and that would be that.

He'd settle nicely into an arranged marriage and she wouldn't hear a peep out of him for the many years to come.

It was now or never for Sirius Black to choose his place in the world.

"It's time to pick, boy," Orion said sternly as he took his place beside his wife, finally stepping into his disciplinary role.

He raised a perfectly arched brow in an offer to his son. He would control his wife if Sirius chose to behave and stop mucking about.

The choice given to Sirius wasn't voiced but it flowed through the air around them just between the two of them.

It was like their little secret growing up, whenever Sirius was just a little too cheeky, Orion would always make a deal with him.

If he behaved, Walburga would leave him alone.

Orion hoped now, in all of the world, Sirius would listen and despite knowing this, he couldn't.

Papers lay discarded on the ground and ink had been knocked over on the desk, spoiling the others. Books lay forgotten around the three individuals as the ultimatum rang clear.

Sirius Black slowly and hesitantly began to uncurl and stand up. He stretched his back as he grew to his tallest height.

There was a triumphant glint in his eyes.

A bravery he had been far too terrified to show at home in front of his violent and overbearing parents.

All of his life he'd done as he was told until he'd gone to Hogwarts.

The fact he'd been the only one in his family, that span for centuries, to be sorted into Gryffindor showed that he was already far different from those before him.

A lion among snakes; finding it difficult to stay hidden anymore.

His beliefs had never truly mirrored the two standing in front of him and it was glaringly obvious. He was an outsider and he was finally owning it.

Orion knew the choice before his wife did and his eyes closed in a short, fleeting, goodbye to his eldest son – the heir to the Black name.

This was goodbye in the only way one could understand it.

No words needed to be shared for all to understand the choice Sirius had made long ago.

Sirius was not one of them and he was never going to be.

It was time he went rogue.

The black haired boy raised his own wand, knowing full well underage magic would be punished.

He sidestepped to the door, his eyes never leaving that of his parents. He knew they would give him a few seconds head start to leave before all hell would break lose.

Orion was the only one kind enough to know that, so he had held back Walburga but as soon as the front door slammed shut after him, Walburga had burned his face off the family tree as if he were never born.

Sirius was no longer a Black; he was a nomad.

Nobody noticed the fifteen year old boy peeking through the stairs that now bore a hollow heart as he watched his older brother leave.

The Gryffindor boy had made his choice and Regulus Black would be left to deal with the consequences.


Let me know what you all think below and I'll continue it! I've got quite a few chapters written up, but depends how you all respond to them!

Let me know in the comments & vote if you enjoyed it!

- Elishia C. Xalfa

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