06 | September 3rd, 1976

19 7 0

Chapter Six

Michael Hart.

Hufflepuff prefect; goody-two shoes, straight A's, should've been head boy, kind of a man.

But, as fate has a way of changing things that should've happened, things didn't exactly go to plan. Without so much as showing his disappointment, he instead strived for academic excellence instead.

His cleverness was still an asset to the team however and despite his verbal dislike for the marauders, he still showed up.

Just as many others had realised, his presence had been requested for a specific reason. A reason that Hart, like the others too, needed to know. 

All knew they had a purpose for being invited.

The marauders knew some of them to be quite clever, knowing this party only to be a ruse and not just a celebration in its own right.

No name on the list was a mistake - for the Marauders checked that magic list more than twice just to be sure who would make the best assets.

With a nudge, Sirius' face flowed towards his best mate.

"Why is Mcdonald here, anyway?" He asked.

It was barely above a whisper, but almost filled with an underlaying tone of anger.

"She's Lily's best friend, shove off. I don't know what your weird problem has been with her for all these years but cut it out," the hiss came back with fire and passion.

James Potter wasn't mucking around tonight.

Tonight broke or made their plan into what it was and whether or not they would be a strong force for good.

Failure couldn't be an option, not with this many lives at stake.

Sirius swallowed regretfully, a single flash of pain emitted from his dark eyes. With a lick of his dry, chapped lips, he turned to his friend.

"I don't think unnecessary casualties should be part of the plan, Prongs." He finally stated, his heart and mind at war.

She was utterly clever but he had already ruined her enough.

"Without Mary, there is no Lily. I thought you knew that too," he replied with a deep sigh, no hint of anger being leashed back.

"But don't condemn the poor lass to death before we've even begun, eh?" James added to lighten the sinking mood.

Sirius rolled his eyes with a shrug of his shoulders. He didn't bother replying to any of what James had said and instead chose to wonder off to the drinks table.

His friend would never fully understand.

His reluctance for Mary to be involved was only because he did care about her safety, even in the smallest of ways.

Sirius looked down at the scrunched up list in his palm, noticing the way the names glowered.

Mary was essential, but that didn't mean he had to like it. He felt it was his responsibility to try to shield her a little bit from the bitter world, after having hurt her himself.

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