04 | August 14th, 1976

32 7 0

Chapter Four

"Potter! I'm in!"

Sirius' scream was loud enough to wake the entire Potter family in one go as he stepped through the fireplace with ease.

Travelling by floo was second nature to Sirius, having learned it at such a young age that it had distilled itself into his mind.

He slowly dusted himself off as he looked around the living room of the Potter manor. It was lavishly furnished in a tasteful way.

Euphemia had such a classic taste.

Above their fireplace also adorned their family portrait where James bore a wide smile too.

James was an idiot in most photographs but was always on his best behaviour for his parents because the punishments for ruining a momento were high.

They still had old Christmas lights across the living room floor, under them were more photos of their families. The generations span within those photos, all weaving in and out of each other's timelines.

There was a nice persian rug that span the length from the coffee top, that was directly in front of the fireplace just metres away, to the couches.

The couches on the other hand were italian leather, cleaned to pristine conditions by the Potters' house elf, Roly.

There was a cabinet on the far wall made of all teak wood, hand carved to perfection. It had intricate designs on it that when Sirius got bored, he traced them whenever he was sitting on the arm chair beside it.

There were many occasions he'd studied the patterns, loving every single carving and admiring the work of art it truly was.

The cupboard held papers of all kinds, books for those with a thirst for knowledge of all different types and Fleamont's grandmother's recipes.

Recipes for the best food in Sirius' opinion.

Generations of information and secrets span the walls of the Potter Manor that detailed lives of all the great Potters and the family tree that proves relations far back that James and Sirius were distantly related.

A fact he couldn't deny and relished in.

James had always felt like family to him.

"Sirius, do you know what time it is?" Fleamont asked sternly, staring at Sirius with an unimpressed look as he had just come down the stairs.

He was dressed in his nightly robes, a cap atop his head. His eyebrows were grey and bushing and his forehead was wide with wrinkles.

The elderly man looked to be about mid-fifties.

Sirius admired the man for his great Auror achievements and his fatherly wisdom. He hardly ever left his garden, preferring to either get his hands dirty or be reading a book about Mandrakes.

They fascinated him so, which also fascinated Sirius.

"Um," Sirius hummed, thinking for a secret. "Eight in the morning, Sir."

"That's right," Fleamont nodded, "But you hate early mornings so that must mean something's up. You ought to tell me, Sirius."

Through the shadows, emerged Euphemia dressed in silk robes, greying but still absolutely beautiful.

"We could help," she added with a soft smile.

"Good morning," Sirius smiled widely back, "It's nothing really. Just couldn't wait to see my best bud!"

They hardly bought it but gestured for Sirius to run up the stairs passed them to find James' room at the end of the hallway.

He would still be sleeping as well but Sirius couldn't wait to tell him the news. As he burst through the door, the loud noise seemed to wake his sleeping friend.

"What the fu -"

"I'm in," Sirius practically shouted in all but one breath.

James Potter's eyes widened like galleons as his mind struggled to comprehend in his half unconscious state.

Quickly grabbing his glasses from his night stand, he put them on his face. It took several blinks before everything registered all at once.

It felt like James had crashed his broom into a tree.

"What... But," James spluttered, running a hand through his jet-black hair.

"We-We were only messing. And that's only if we get into the Order of the Phoenix," he continued, trying to rationalise the situation at hand.

"And if we get in, we'd still need Dumbledore's permission," he added.

Only conclusion: Sirius had gone absolutely bonkers.

With a shake of his head, Sirius began explaining, "It's a brilliant plan, you were right. And we'll get in, for sure because Dumbledore can't deny our brilliance."

"This is mad, you're mad," James said with a slight chuckle as he sat up.

He lifted his glasses up and rubbed his tired eyes, knowing there was no way to change his friend's mind.

They had only brainstormed such ideas, never believed in actually doing them but James knew Sirius was stubborn. If he wanted to execute their poorly designed plan, then they would.

But they would need Moony's help for it.

But oh boy was he on board with Sirius' mad plan.

"Merlin's beard...," James trailed off, knowing they were so mad for even thinking a plan like this could work.

But the boys had faith in each other. There was nothing the Marauders couldn't do when they put their heads together.

"Fine, let's do it. Send the boys an owl to get their butt's here so we can polish this barmy plan, if you're set on it."

"Oh, I am," smirked Sirius as he hurriedly sent off the letters to Moony and Wormtail.

He had never been more serious about a plan in his entire life.

"Here's the list," he added, passing over the names to James.

"It's perfect. We're totally mad if think this is going to work though."

"Oh, Prongs, that's the beauty of it."

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