what it is

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this is for you
for being the big person
when i was small

who told me it was alright
and guarded best you could
from this world's scary plight

or maybe it's you
who has been there to watch me grow
sent prayers to heaven, no not few
given me words to set my spirit aglow

you, who taught me the best a man can be
when others taught me the ease of being the very worst
stood up for me when i was torn down and speechless
held me when no one else would, or could.

you, who stay strong when the world begs to crush you and those you love
yet take the time to accept your humanity
& shed humble tears.

you, who display what true respect is, the bond of trust and brotherhood
where vulnerability is safe, and genuine words are honoured.

you who trusted and respected me as an individual
loving me for me, without doubting, encouraging me when i fall.

you are a key figure in my life.

by blood

                                   or not

no matter how much we try to deny it
our own bitterness and pride may stumble in the way

there is something about you, that is irreplaceable, unmistakably important.
that you are


that you

        care.                              |truly| & ~genuinely~

and you won't ever stop.

so maybe we don't talk
maybe we do
but today i acknowledge
what you have helped me through.

God gave me you
you me
for a reason.
maybe we won't always understand in this season.
but i am grateful for you, all of you
who have taught me what it is
to be
a man.

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