Chapter 11 Maddie's talk with...:

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(Emma's POV) Maddie texted me last night saying she wanted to talk but she didn't what about. I had fallen asleep at the Novoas house it was one fun night we all hung out in the pool and watched movies and eat Chinese. It was 11:30am when Maddie came over to my house. We sat in the kitchen and she first talked to me about the dance,she asked if I could help her if would could go shopping to get Costumes Together. I told her sure it would be fun and we can have all the girls come with us. Then Maddie brought up the new student at school she showed around at first I thought she had a crush on him till she said "well the thing is Brady is my new stepbrother" I was shocked she also said that Brady is a wizard I was like wow in shock. I can't believe how close Maddie and I have gotten in the past weeks we are turning out to be great friends. Once Maddie and stopped talking about the dance and Brady we talked about our realtionships with our Jax and Diego aka our boyfriends. We talked like for an hour about the two boys I think Jax was spying on us tho cause I saw a little spect of black hair through the kitchen window and when I went to open it I was kissed out of nowhere. I yelled JAX... But no one came out till I turned around and saw Jax with his feet on the table and eating Cheetos he was about to Touch Me with his sticky fingers,but I put him in a straight jacket for the seconded time it's always funny to see him all mad about it tho. I actually think this time he liked it Maddie was laughing so hard about it. After Jax left me and Maddie called the girls to meet us at the mall to go shopping for costumes For the dance.

(Maddie's POV) I asked Emma if Jax asked her to the dance yet she said "not yet,but when he dose I hope it funny since it's a Halloween dance" I was like. really you want it to be funny. When we got to the mall we saw Gigi,Olivia,Mia,Andi,Sophie,Katie,Gabby,and Maria waiting for me and Emma. We all shoped for like an hour we are keeping it a secret tho for what are costumes are. We all met up with the guys at the food court in the mall. But I couldn't believe what I was seeing my stepbrother is flirting with one of my best friends how dare he. "BRADY...."I yelled in mad tone "what.." He said back to me annoyed I told him to come to me. We started arguing about how I didn't want him to be dating Sophie. All our friends were looking at us crazy luckily I told them all that Brady is bmy brother now so they don't think anything. Once we all were done shopping me and Brady had to go straight home our parents had some BIG NEWS to tell us. When we got home mom saidshe gonna be having a BABY "WHAT..."I yells at the top of my lungs I think I hurt my families' ears oops my bad. I wasn't to excited about it but if it's a girl it will be fun to go shopping with her. But if it's a boy I'll leave it to Brady to fun with. I texted everyone one about it they were happy I was gonna be a big sister to a new baby brother or sister that will be a witch or wizard. Oh yea more power kids in the family. After all that happened I I texted Emma about Andi's Birthday party tomorrow seeing if she needed anyhelp or anything. Emma said "yea I need help setting up since it's just me,Jax,and Anthony" so I was gonna help her set up in the morning at the beach it's gonna be one fun party for Andi tomorrow. I can't wait tho till the dance next Friday and just hope Diego dose a cute thing to ask me to go with him.

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