A year and a half creates many changes.

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Just gotta say that no sadly I do not own Naruto. And that when the words are like this they are talking in another language.

Read on.

And that is what Sakura looks like (her hair but she also has a long pony tail at the back like Yuna from FF-X but not with the clothes and she has a cross earring like Rai from the Noblesse manhwa on her right ear along with the original earrings --->

if the pic don't work try the external link.

~A year later~

-Outside Konoha's Gates~

"Thank you for coming this far with me." I said to the group of performers I had been travelling with.

"No problem. Can we visit in the summer? asked Mey Ling, the leader of the troupe.

"Of course. See you then." I smiled and waved as they traveled to their next destination. I had been away for a ten years thanks to a gift Yuuko sent me I had been able to shorten the time to a year and a half. Of course there was a price. I kept the knowledge and abilities I learnt and changes such as tattoos and seals but I returned to my current age and I had to do errands for Yuuko. Meh. Can't wait to see Yuuko and Watanuki again. And Shino, Shikamaru, Hinata, Tenten and maybe Sai. He was neutral in the whole exclude Sakura thing.

Walking up to the gate, I saw Izumo and Kotetsu still slacking off on duty.

Walking up to them, I waved my hand in front of their faces but they were to out of it to notice so I went a tad drastic and slammed my hands on the table and screamed "Boo" in their faces. To say they got a fright is an underestimate. They both fell over screaming. I fell too but I was laughing instead.

When they got up their faces turned to shock when they saw me on the ground laughing my head off. 

"Sa-sakura?" Izumo stuttered in shock. Must be the hair.

"Ja. Di one 'n' only." I smirked back at them. I knew why they were suprised, I had changed and boy was I different. And not just in the looks department.

-Lil while later in the Hokage's office-

"Hello Hokage-sama" I said with a bow.

"Sakura, it has been a while. How are you?" She asked. "And your travels, did you find what you are looking for?"

"Yes. I am well, Hokage-sama." I answered with a smirk. "And I have found out many things. But I must tell you one thing."

"Yes. What is it?" She asked once I had paused.

"My name...." I said slowly." is not Sakura Haruno but..."

"Baa-chan, Baa-chan. Can I have a mission?" Interrupted a loud voice from the corridor.


Yah betcha. Inner yelled.

That’s right Inner but I ain't betting anything cause you are me. And we both know who's gonna win. I snickered.

Oh yes the sarcasm. Really? That is the best you got. Inner chuckled. And I suggest you focus cause you’re about to kill the blondie who’s coming through the door.

She said as Naruto burst through the door. I restrained my-self from lashing out of reflex. Having been to certain war filled areas had given me strange habits and sadly also some habits that were hard to cure. Not that it was a bad thing sometimes.

Anyway just as Naruto burst through the door.

“Hokage-sama may I please come another time as I have friends to visit?” I asked with a bow.

“Hai.” She said not even looking at me.

With another bow, I walked past Naruto who looked at me in confusion. Nice teammate ay? Not recognizing me. Come on who else has pink hair. Don’t care anymore; hey if they don’t want me around it’s their loss.

Yeah. That’s right. Bet you are stronger than Naruto and Sasuke combined.  Inner cheered.

I am. No doubt about that. I said back.

Ever gonna spar with them? She asked.

Maybe but I will have to go very easy on them cause I don’t want to be classified as a danger, ne? I sniggered at my imagination of Sasuke’s face if I fought him and won.

Heh. So true. Inner laughed with me.

Suddenly a shout came from the Hokage’s office. “THAT WAS SAKURA?!!!!!” Naruto must’ve asked who I was. The sand village must of heard him he was so loud.

Snickering I walked to my house and avoided chakra signal’s I knew.

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