Part 1

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Franz woke up in the middle of the night, because of an unusual nightmare. If he could still remember his dream, he thought he saw his cute younger sister, Sabrina, turned into a man.

Franz felt his palms and forehead producing large lump of sweats. He did not feel good because of his dream.

Franz: I have to call my baby sister.

Franz immediately took his phone on the table on his bedside and hastily called Sabrina. He waited in agony for Sabrina to answer him. He has to hear her cute angelic voice. He has to confirm if Sabrina was still his baby sister or if she turned into a man. If she did turn into a man, he would still heartily accept her, but for now, he has to confirm it.

After a moment, Sabrina answered his call, and Franz almost felt his breathing stopped. He was waiting for Sabrina to talk. He listened intently and heard his baby sister answered the call.

Sab: Brother? (answered in a tired voice)

Franz could not determine the voice of Sabrina if it was her original or man's voice already, so he asked bluntly yet carefully.

Franz: Hey, Sabby. How are you?
Sab: (sleepy voice) I'm fine. Why are you asking?
Franz: I just miss you. Can you send me a pic of you right now?

Franz felt Sabrina pausing on the other line.

Sab: I wanted to sleep.
Franz: (started to panic) Just a moment. How about a video call?
Sab: (Yawned) Okay.

Franz hanged up the phone call and video called Sabrina.

When Sabrina answered the call, Franz's heart skipped a beat.

Franz: Awwwwe..
Sab: Are you satisfied?

Franz saw his precious baby sister with her half opened eyes on the phone. He saw that Sabrina was wearing a white overall pajama with straberry prints. He noticed that Sabrina placed her hair into a messy but cute bun. He felt relieved and at ease when he realized, Sabrina was still his precious cute baby sister. He smiled as he ran his fingers through his light brown mushroom hair.

Franz: I feel okay now, Sabby. Thank you for answering the call.
Sab: Okay.
Franz: Good night, Sabby.
Sab: Good night, brother.

Franz hanged up the video call and had a peaceful sleep right after that.

The next day, Franz messaged his twin brother Italee that they should pay a quick visit to their precious baby sister after their work. Italee immediately replied affirmative. Franz grinned at himself and was excited throughout the day to visit his precious baby sister later.

Right after Franz's work, he waited by the lobby in a Hotel where Italee was working. When he saw Italee going near him, he instantly stood up and greeted his twin brother with a big hug.

Italee was the exact copy cat of Franz. The only difference they have physically was that, Italee always showed bored face, unless he finds something interesting, then you'll see a difference.

Franz was the cinnamon roll guy. You could easily determine how he feels tbrough his facial expressions. He is also bad at lying.

Italee loved to tease his twin brother, since Franz gets easily flustered or irritated by him. Yet both of them adored their precious baby sister, Sabrina.

Italee: You look so excited today.
Franz: Of course. We'll get to visit our baby sister and I miss her so much already.

Italee gave a sympathetic smile at his excited twin brother.

Italee: Did you message her that we'll go there?
Franz: Nope. (grinned) I wanted to surprise her.
Italee: Which in the end, we'll be receiving the surprise.

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