To Allen: A Love Letter, an Act of Rage

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Holy Ginsberg! Most twisted among poets
Most sophisticated among lunatics
Under the world there's a lot of ass, a lot of cunt
Disgusting dirty decaying phantasm
I'm fascinated as much as appalled
I sit inside the shell of the old Me
I adore his mind
Yet despise his thougths
I saw the minds of my generation destroyed
By madness, starving hysterical naked
With every poem I feel more rotten
Dragged down to Hell
Sunken deep into the Abyss
Young I drank beer & vomited green bile
Let this be my darkest of sins
Older drank wine vomited blood red
My outrageous youthful radicalism
Now I vomit air
Flag of my moral resistance
I lay in bed that night
And worship the Lovers there, love's teachers, youths and poets who live forever –
Art is art is art
The artist is wild, is rabid, is feral,
Is an animal

2019. 06. 16. 0:44

(Na vajon ki lelt Ginsberg összesre a könyvhéten?)

(Also, először próbálok angolul írni, please be gentle)

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