2-draco fucking malfoy (part 1)

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let me start with the draco cliche of him being an innocent smol boi


"hi draco!"
"h-hi y/n"
"uR sO sWeEt hArRy pOtTeR iS sUcH a bIg fAt bUlLy"


that was a dumb example but it's 3am i can't find anything solid in this giant brain of mine

i'm trying okay

but that is the general gist of the books i'm talking about. basically oc thinks draco is big bad bully but then gets to know him and he is innocent smol bean boi e-boy ass bitch idk

which he is n o t

he IS a big bad bully, that's just the character he is. you can include how he is misunderstood, under pressure from his parents/voldemort/slytherin peers etc. i love that! i love it when people include his whole backstory and really delve deep into his troubles!

but this is not an excuse for being a bully and your character has to know that and call him out on it. otherwise it just isn't realistic. you can portray the golden trio as kinda mean if it's from the characters point of view but they should still know draco is wayyyy worse and that's the t

the 'how to make it better' is all above lmao

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