Chapter 1: Real

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I had always hated the groggy feeling I felt in the mornings and today it was especially bad and on top of that it was a Monday. I rolled over and instinctively grabbed my phone and hit the home button which I regretted once the bright light hit my eyes making me squint. Once my eyes had adjusted I saw I had multiple texts, glancing upon them still dreary with sleep I saw I had a couple from friends in a group chat, one from an unsaved number and then I saw the last text was one from my close friend Khris. Without realizing it a smile crept upon my face more so to myself then the actual text. I unlocked the phone and read his message first.

It read : "You just need to focus on yourself, dance, and school. That's what's best and you know I only want what's best for you." I read it to myself and smiled a smile that only he could put on my face. Me and Khris had known each other for almost 5 years now and we've grown so close in those five years. We met in eighth grade and continued on through high school becoming inseparable. He had been with me through a lot and he never judged me and always looked out for me. When people found out about my sexuality and asked him about it or made comments he had always defended me and never treated me any differently from when we first met. I admired him a lot for it. I've never had someone do that for me and secretly I felt like I might've caught feelings for him but I'd always stop myself knowing how much of a flirt he was even though he claimed he was "straight". I never tried anything with him though all this time just little flirtatious stuff that never went far beyond that but people always assumed we were dating and that led to a lot of jealously in relationships that I tried to have. Coming back from my thoughts I glanced over the message again and started to type a reply. "I know, I know....thanks for always being there for me." I hit send and sort of felt anxious wondering how he would reply. I stared at the screen for a couple more seconds then sat my phone down and began to get ready but as soon as I did the screen lit up and it was a reply from Khris. At first I didn't even want to open the message, I felt all giddy and had that "butterflies" in your stomach feeling. I sucked in my breath closed my eyes and slid the screen to unlock the phone and open the message. The phone now bright as I slowly opened my eyes and read the message : "Always :)". All of a sudden I felt my self turning red and I wanted to scream into a pillow. I was being a little over the top I know but shit I couldn't help how I was feeling, I really did like Khris.

After telling him thank you and him replying see you soon I finally started to actually get ready. I pulled off my covers and started a long stretch and rolled out of my comfy bed. I really did not wanna go to school today but I didn't really have a choice. Let my long ass struggle begin.

- Picture at the top is Skylar ( the real person the picture is of can be found here: , his name is Isaiah )

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