2: The Journey Home

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The Journey Home

Goku rose not too long after the sun, and was pleasantly surprised to see that Uub and his family were all up at the same time to bid him farewell. After eating a large breakfast, getting dressed and packing the few belongings he had into a backpack, Goku was just about ready to head back home.

“Well this is it,” Goku began his farewell, “it’s been great living with you all these past years.”

“We want to thank you again for working so hard with our son, Goku,” Uub’s father spoke gratefully.

“No, thank you for welcoming me with so much kindness and having me in your home for so long. You’re all welcome in mine any time.”

“And would you also give our thanks to Mr. Satan for all his generous support when you see him?” Uub’s mother asked.

“Don’t worry, I’ll tell him.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t forget this Goku.” Uub’s grandmother handed Goku the gift she made for his family.

Goku unfolded it to take a look. It was a rug of sorts with an unusual texture. It consisted of a combination of neatly attached blue and orange patches with an interesting swirly pattern embroidered around the trim. What caught most of Goku’s attention however, were the images of him, Uub and both of their families embroidered over the middle.

“It’s a quilt I made with the materials our village produces. I used the photographs you showed us of you, your wife, children and grandchild to look at while I made it. I wanted to make you and your family something that would show them how much we got to know them just through you, and also show them apart of us, as well as make sure you don’t forget your time here.”

“This is amazing. Thank you so much! Chichi and the others will love it. I sure do!”

“Are you gunna do the transmission thingy?” Uub’s seven year old sister curiously asked Goku.

“Nah, I think I’ll fly home the old fashioned way.”

Upon turning and waving goodbye, Goku took to the sky.

“Train hard Uub!” He called out as he elevated.

“I will!” Uub called back as Goku blasted off.


It was 8 am when Pan was due to meet Piccolo for training, but due to oversleeping, she was half an hour late. As a result, Piccolo was being particularly hard on her.

The ten year old tried her best to dodge the seemingly endless barrage of punches and kicks being thrown at her from all angles as Piccolo and her sparred well above ground level, but after several minutes of doing this for at least the 100th time in the past 2 hours or so, her best was not good enough as Piccolo’s leg managed to come into contact with her midsection and send her flying into the side of a nearby cliff.

“You need to start taking more risks Pan!” Piccolo roared as she pulled herself out of the crater her body had formed, “all you’re doing is blocking! You need to start looking for openings and attack, not just defend!”

“Yeah… Right!” Pan responded as she composed herself into a fighting stance on the ground.

Piccolo nodded in acknowledgement before launching to attack her. As he did this, the young quarter saiyan heeded his advice and quickly started to form an attack while she had the chance. Lifting both her arms so her hands where facing out in front of her forehead, she gathered enough energy in her hands to form her attack.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2014 ⏰

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