Chapter 3

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who else yelling over yellow wood


Teenager - GOT7 ♫

"I think your friend Minho was checking me out yesterday."

Chan's words, that literally came out of nowhere, startled the chubby-cheeked boy.

After eating a late lunch, they both flopped on his small double bed. Scrolling through twitter and instagram, they shared meme videos amongst themselves and to their group chat with Changbin. Chan's hair had long since been washed, and was now a simple dark brown. It curled from being wet before, but was now dry and fluffy on his head.

"W-What?" Jisung is thrown off guard, and Chan laughs.

"Everytime I would stop eating yesterday, he was staring at me. Very weird. Does he do that to you, too?"

Jisung pouts slightly. "No..."

If anything, Jisung felt Minho was a little more attached to his other members over him. After the initial excitement of meeting his idol, Minho's hype towards Jisung had mellowed. They hadn't messaged each other again since this morning, and it wasn't even nearly time to leave for the party.

Chan was due to meet with Woojin a few hours before, and was just procrastinating at this point. Given Woojin was 19, it essentially created a green light for people to put in alcohol orders through him. Chan was one of his very loyal customers.

"Weird guy." Chan mumbles the words, frowning as he messages back someone. Curious, Jisung's eyes flit to the screen, seeing it's another random girl from their school asking for 'homework help'.

The brown-haired boy had always been a little jealous of how popular Chan was. Given his foreign stature, accent and upbringing, the Australian-turned-Korean was a hit amongst the female population of their school. Jisung, shorter and chubbier, had always felt self conscious standing next to the lanky elder boy, but knew his kindness overruled any vanity he felt towards himself.

"...Do you not like him?" Jisung looks back his friend's face, seeing how blank it was as he replied to the message. He pauses, thinking, before breaking out into a smile.

"Nah, he seems really nice. It's nice to see you want to be friends with someone for once." Jisung slaps his friend's chest in response, and he cries out before laughing.

"I'd better go. Do you, uh, want anything for tonight?" Chan runs his fingers through his now-dark hair, sitting up. Jisung hums as he thinks.


Grinning, Chan affectionately ruffles Jisung's hair before swiftly seeing himself out, telling the younger he would see him later that night.

Jisung checks the time. 4.32pm. He groans, burying his face in his pillows. He still had at least an hour before he needed to leave, and at this point felt he was wasting his Saturday.

The boy didn't feel committed enough to study, the giddy excitement of the party tonight taking over. Rolling over, he struggles to come up with an idea of what to do before remembering there was one thing he could do.

Smiling softly to himself, he searches under his messy bed for a particular notepad. The small book was dog eared and very old, having been written into and paged through for years.

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