Chapter 5

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The Truth Untold - BTS ♫

Laying next to Changbin in his huge double bed, Jisung felt awkward for the first time ever with his best friend. The tension had grown very thick since his best friend's strangled reaction in the car to wanting to stay with Minho.

Where had all of this come from? One moment it was fine, and the next it wasn't. Jisung side eyes his best friend, who is motionless: asleep? He wasn't quite sure.

When Changbin had unlocked the back door to his huge home, the two had carried an asleep Minho in and dumped him on the futon in Changbin's room. Bringing the limp Minho upstairs without alerting Changbin's parents proved harder to do than it seemed, but they managed to do it.

Jisung had taken extra care, filling a plastic bottle with water for the elder and getting him a blanket and pillow, while Changbin simply got into his own bed. Stupid, stubborn Changbin.

Minho looked so peaceful. Jisung had taken a moment to linger, and admire his face. The dip of his nose, the way his mouth hung open a little. His cheeks heated when he realized what he was doing, scurrying into Changbin's bed.

Which brought them to right now, sharing a bed with his best friend. He felt confused laying on his back, staring at the darkened ceiling.

The sixteen year old had shared a bed with Changbin heaps of times before, but it had never felt like... this.

Jisung rolls over, facing Changbin's back and frowning hard. He felt tired, but these thoughts stayed in his mind. His heart pounded in his chest, especially when Changbin rolls over and catches him staring.

The two startle. Jisung quickly rolls onto his back, flustered. His heart rate accelerated. Most of the alcohol had disappeared from his system, leaving him with a dry sensation in his mouth and a headache, so he definitely didn't miss Changbin's embarrassed stare.

Jisung rolls back over to face Changbin, who had shut his eyes.


"Mm?" The black-haired boy cracks opens an eye, frowning.

"Thanks for looking after me tonight."  Jisung grins, and Changbin rolls his eyes before shutting them again. The glimpse of a smile flits across his best friend's face after a few seconds.

"Of course, Han. Anything for you."

And, just like that, the tension from before was gone. Content, Jisung shuts his eyes, bunching the sheets in his fists.

He's nearly asleep when he hears Changbin whisper something, barely audible. If the room wasn't silent, he wouldn't have even heard the black-haired boy.

"What?" Jisung's voice catches in his throat, and he coughs to clear it.

Changbin remains silent, before rolling onto his back. He looks torn, his brow creased.

"We're best friends, yeah?"

The doubtful tone behind his words hurt the younger, and he frowns. Jisung balls his hand into a fist, lightly punching Changbin's shoulder.

"Duh. Who else is able to deal with my shit like you can, Changbin? You're my best friend, no takesies-backsies."

He lowly chuckles in response, before shutting his eyes. A small silence falls before he speaks again.

"I'm gay."

Jisung blinks.

The words sink in, and the boy startles. The brown-haired boy suddenly rolls over to look at him, surprised. "Wait, what?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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