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Chapter thirty-one; the morning after

Having sex is great. We've all done it, well those of us who aren't virgins. It's an enjoyable experience to Taehyung, having a place where he can get rid of all of his frustration and drown in attraction and lust.

Having sex with someone you like - possibly even love - is much different. It bonds you on a level that you can't even imagine until you've done it. Taehyung realizes that he can't go back to having sex with random, attractive strangers. Not that he'd want to.

Jungkook stirs in his arms, bare skin on bare skin rubbing together and if Taehyung was any less blissed out he would have blushed. Taehyung wishes he would wake up, and that they could stay like this, but that thought leaves his mind the moment his brown eyes connect with jungkook's.

"Good morning," Taehyung whispers, pulling jungkook even closer to his body. The arm that wasn't wrapped around jungkook's shoulders - not even caring that it's losing feeling - goes to rest on jungkook's bare thigh, covered by thin sheets.

"Good morning." Jungkook muses, inhaling a scent that he could only describe as taehyung.

"I'd love to sit in here with you all day, pooh," Taehyung mumbles into jungkook's red hair. "But We should get ready."

"For what?" Jungkook frowns. He couldn't think of anything he'd rather be doing - or have to be doing - than laying in bed with Taehyung all day. Naked.

The thought still made him giddy. He had sex with the kim taehyung. The boy who's been chasing him all semester finally caught him, and jungkook can't run away. Not even if he wanted to.

And believe me when I say, he didn't want to.

"We have school? We are college students, you know." Taehyung says, amusement lacing his tone, and jungkook cant see it, but he's sure it's written all over his face as well.

Jungkook groans. How could he have forgotten that he has school? Taehyung is seriously messing with his brain, he realizes as he jumps out of bed, not even caring that he's stark naked.

"Baby, you're naked," taehyung says exactly that, but its not like he's actually complaining.

Jungkook blushes, he could never get used to that nickname. That name combined with the endearing tone taehyung always uses with jungkook makes it so intimate, and jungkook loves being intimate with Taehyung. Anyway he can.

"I don't care! We're late!" Jungkook yells, hoping into some jeans after pulling some underwear from his drawer. It could be his or Taehyung's - he's not really sure. He doesn't mind either way though.

He pulls on a sweatshirt, and this time he's sure it's Taehyung's from the smell it brings to his nose. He almost takes a second to bask in the smell, but realizes that that's weird and decides to push it off until he's alone.

"Listen, babe, as much as I'd love to watch you naked in my bed, I'm gonna kick your ass if I'm late to class." Jungkook warns, and he doesn't catch the nickname, but taehyung does.

"Babe? I like that," taehyung says, partially teasing and partially because it's true, he does enjoy getting called pet names from him.

Taehyung still makes no move to get out of the sweat and cum covered bed - seriously, jungkook thinks he may have to burn the damned thing - at least until jungkook threatens, "no more sex if you don't get out of bed now."

Taehyung scrambles our of bed, and jungkook watches in amusement. Jungkook looks at the blonde haired boy in front of him, and as much as his heart swelled at the thought that he chose to be with him right now, he still had doubts.

Doubts, because it's been a week since taehyung and lisa broke up at the carnival and taehyung hasn't asked him to be his boyfriend yet. They do coupley things like have sex and hold hands and go on dates, but he doesn't have the satisfaction of knowing that Taehyung's his boyfriend.

He doesn't have the security.

Maybe a title isnt very important to Taehyung, maybe it doesn't mean something to him like it does to jungkook. But he's a boy with insecurities, and titles reassure him.

But he's too insecure to ask him about it, and probably ruin what they have.

"Okay, come on pooh. I didn't leave that bed for us to miss that lecture." Taehyung calls, and jungkook snaps out of his daze. He quickly follows behind Taehyung, making a mental note to thank yoongi for not barging in to wake him up – because how awkward would that have been.

Taehyung takes his hand in his, and this strangely automatically soothes him. Something other than than labels that sooth his insecurities is public affection. Skin ship. Jungkook loves skin ship, no matter who it comes from.

"Pooh, I'm gonna drop you off at your lecture and then go to mine, okay?" Taehyung asks, pulling jungkook harder so now they're directly beside each other, still hand in hand.

"M'kay." Jungkook hums, laying his head on Taehyung's shoulder. And if he's being honest, if it were anyone else's head on his shoulder, he'd push them away. But it's not, it's jungkook. His boy.

"Here you are." Taehyung says, and jungkook just now realizes how fast they've reached the lecture hall. Living next to the building really does have its perks, huh?

Taehyung kisses him on the lips softly, gently. It's a gentle kiss, one that conveys emotion that go unsaid, probably unnoticed in the kiss. When it breaks Taehyung pecks him one last time on his red lips, before leaving with a loud "bye, baby!"

Jungkook rushes into the hall and towards his - thankfully - vacant seat next to Jimin. Jimin leans in, sniffs loudly and almost comically, before leaning back in his seat with a look of distance on his face.

"You smell like sex."


This book really is gonna end in like three chapters. I'm so sad, like I might cry.

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