Chapter 4

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'Is this really happening? I'm going on a date with... with Xiumin-hyung. EXO's XIUMIN! Could this day get any more awesome?' I thought.

I finished my bathing business and walk towards my closet to find some clothes to wear. As I open my closet, I don't have anything to wear! The only clean garment that I have is this sweater and lavender colored skinny jeans. I'm having second thoughts on wearing it because... it seems that I'm so obvious. I mean a die-hard fan. After 5 minutes of thinking, I'm starting to wear this embarrassing sweater. I wish that I will die when he sees this. I quickly slip my pants on and decided that I will wear my black boots. I fixed my hair. I picked up my phone and placed my hands on the door knob.

"Well, here goes nothing." I mumbled and sighed.

"Oh, I see that you're done?" Xiumin-hyung asked.

"Ah. Y-yes. I'm d-done h-hyung." I answered while my arms are covering my shirt and I noticed that he frowned.

"Why are your arms in front of your shirt? It seems... awkward to walk like that." Xiumin-hyung said.

"A-ah. O-oh. I-its n-nothing." I stuttered.

"Well if it is nothing, why are you covering it?" Xiumin-hyung said as I feel my cheeks heat up.

"I... I..." Xiumin-hyung walked closer and he starts to put my arms aside. I tucked my head down because I can really sense that my cheeks are red because of embarrassment.

"Is this the reason why you are covering your shirt?" Xiumin-hyung chuckled and I nodded. He lifted my chin up so that he can see me and said, "Well, I think it's cute. Don't hide it ok?" I can feel that my whole face is now red as a tomato.

"A-arasso, hyung." I responded and I can feel his hands on mine and intertwines our fingers.

"So, can we go now?" Xiumin-hyung asked.

"O-of course hyung. But I need to say my goodbyes to my other hyungs and noonas." I answered while staring out our intertwined fingers.

"Alright, I'll go with you." I nodded.

My hyungs are now in the living room and my noonas just arrived. I thought I'll be going to their floor just to say goodbye.

"Uhm... hyungs, noonas, I'll be going out today." I said as I looked at them. My noonas' jaws dropped seeing me and Xiumin-hyung holding our hands together.

"Eunseok! You!" Seulgi-noona pointed at me and walked top my direction. "Have fun ok? Tell me about it later. I'll be waiting." Noona said as he smirked evilly.

"Goodbye Eunseok! Have fun! And Minseok-hyung, please take good care of our baby." Jaehyun-hyung said.

"I will, Jaehyun. Don't worry. We'll go ahead." Xiumin-hyung said and we bowed.

As we walked outside the dorm I noticed that he brought a car. And I ran into it and turned to him.

"Uwaaaaa~ is this your car hyung? It's really pretty." I asked.

"Yes it is. But you're prettier." Hyung chuckled and I punched his chest softly.

"Don't tease me hyung. " I pouted.

"I'm not. I'm just saying what I'm seeing. And oh... that sweater looks good on you." I blushed.

"It's because it's your totem that is printed in here." I said and stuck my tongue out earning a laugh from him.

"Well, we better get going. We have the whole day to enjoy." He said as he led me to the passenger seat and opened the door for me.

"Thank you hyung." I said.

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