The Beginning

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Everyone has a beginning. When Sans and Komaeda discovered they were having a baby girl, they were exhilarated. They decided to name her, "Hatsune Miku", first sound of the future as they could hear her humming through Sans' somehow existent womb. When Miku came into the world on one faithful August day, she sang and didn't scream like regular babies. The hospital staff was mesmerized by this. A beautiful baby girl with blue hair and eyes was not being serenading by her parents, but serenading her parents. In high hopes, Sans and Komaeda left the hospital to begin their parental journey. As Miku grew, her love for music grew and she sang in all her school talent shows and musicals. Sans and Komaeda were so proud of their little girl. One day, a company called Crypton discovered Miku and offered to recruit her to make her a singing sensation. Komaeda and Sans were hesitant at first as they were fearful stardom would ruin Miku's childhood, but Miku insisted she wanted this. Nonetheless, the two saw the desire and hope sparkle in their daughters eyes and accepted. They vowed to support her love for music nonetheless, but little did they know what was ahead for their girl............

hey hey hey so it's an EPIC holiday today. Not only is it Father's Day, it's fingers in his ass Sunday, The equestrian girls movie 6th anniversary, the cars 3 second anniversary, Park Bo Gum's birthday, and my birthday. Also the artist for the image is pakupiranha on Instagram! Please follow her thanks ;)

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