Gordon fucking ramsay

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Miku unpacked her things and settled in her epic room. She changed into a fresh pair of clothes and decided to head downstairs. Meiko and Kaito miraculously teleported out of the room. The stairs were broken so Miku took the window cleaner elevator outside of her room. Then, she re-entered the building to find herself in the lobby. To find the dining hall, Miku had to use her nose since she didn't know the place very well. So, she followed the scent of biscuits being baked and melted butter. The scent got stronger and stronger. Miku knew she was on the right path. In her field of vision, two large swinging doors appeared and she burst through them, only to hear, "WHY ARE YOU FUCKING LATE?!" Immediately, a man clearly going through a midlife crisis in his 50s angrily stormed up to her. "Put this fucking apron on and get to work, you hear me?" He pointed a finger at her, angrily. "H-hai...!" Startled, Miku quickly put the apron on. "So you're the new chef here," He asked. "My name is Gordon Ramsay. But you call me chef in this fucking kitchen. What's yours?" Miku blinked. "Watashinonamaeha hatsune miku desu," She said. "......yes, ok" Gordon didn't understand a word. "Do this shit." Gordon motioned Miku to a stove top. "Make some fucking pancakes, those are simple as shit." He places a bowl of batter next to the stove, placed a pan on the burner, and cranked the heat up. Miku just stared at it, confused. Gordon let out a heavy sigh. "Look. You take this fucking ladle and spoon some batter in a circular shape. Then you wait until it bubbles and flip." Miku nodded, although still confused. She didn't want to anger this man anymore. "Alright, you do that and I'll go- JIM WHAT THE HELL THATS NOT HOW YOU MAKE ORANGE JUICE," Gordon ran off to his next victim. Miku started to make the pancakes although was off to a bad start. She got the mix all over the burner and it was smoking up in the kitchen as it caught on fire. She coughed while inhaling the smoke. "Oh my god...not the pancakes." Gordon ran over with a fire extinguisher and started to spray the stove. But it wasn't going out as the stove was still on. Angrily, Gordon bashed the extinguisher against the heat valve, but it didn't do anything. He then gently turned the heat off and turned to Miku. "You fucking suck," He said, pointing a harsh finger. "I don't want to see you in my kitchen again." And that's when Meiko and Kaito burst in. "Gordon,"
They said in unison, "Have you seen Hatsune Miku?" "Who's Hatsune Miku?" He replied. "New idol," Meiko said, "And there she is...." Miku looked over at them, her apron charred and covered in pancake batter. "Gordon what the hell did you do? 😳" Kaito said. "Ohmygod thats the new idol?" Gordon said, nervously massaging his temples. "Yes." Meiko replied. "I am so sorry, I hope you can forgive me." Gordon bowed down to Miku, and she smiled back. "Ī nda yo! Wareware wa subete no machigai o okashimasu! :3" Miku smiled and took her apron off, handing it back to Gordon. "I can make it up to you at one point for sure," Gordon said. Miku continued to smile. "Come on Miku, lets go get some food! 😊" Kaito said. Miku nodded and followed both Meiko and Kaito.

hey guys Gordon won't fix my salad :(((

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