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Sal was still playing his guitar kind of loud.

*knock knock*

Sal got his note pad and walked out his room. He opened his front door and saw a Average Hight redhead with glasses looking at Sal.

"Uh hi I'm Todd...Can you please keep it down?" The redhead asked.

I'm sorry

"Uhh you sound good though" Todd said.


"Bye Sal Fisher" Todd said walking away.

2 weeks later

It was his first day of school. Sal threw his book bag and picked up his note pad.


He walked inside staring down at his blue converse.
People whispered about his mask.
Some people talked about his hight.

He started to run for the bathroom but halfway there he bumped into a tall skinny brunette.

"Oof! Sorry" The brunette said.

No no my fault!

"It's both of our fault" the brunette chuckled.
"I'm Larry, What's your name" The brunette asked.

Sal but my friends call me Sally Face.

"Coo-" Larry was cut off by the annoying ass bell.

"Catch ya later Sally Face!" Larry said walking off.

~The Mute Boy~ (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now