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"Hey babe" Larry interrupters Sals guitar playing.
"Hey" Sal replied setting his guitar in the stand
I don't know anything about guitars
Larry kisses Sals forehead.
"Want to go somewhere tonight?"
Larry asks.
"Yeah sure" Sal says putting his blue locks in a high ponytail.


Sal and Larry hip out of the car and sit down by the lake.
"Can fish heat and see water?"
Sal just shrugged at the question.
"Oh another question" Larry says getting on one knee.
"Sal you make me the happiest person alive and i love you more than anything" Larry says holding on of Sals hands. To cheesy? I don't know
"Sal Fisher will you marry m-" Larry was cut of by a passionate kiss.

Sorry I cannot write
But this fan fic/AU
Is now finished 👏🏼

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