The Photography Club

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I felt a strong wind down my spine all of a sudden, shaking me awake from my somewhat peaceful sleep. I groaned, sitting up and heading to the bathroom, it feels unusually cold.

I shrugged it off, brushing my teeth and hair, turning my head over to my bed, which suddenly has a uniform, neatly placed out. What the hell...? The uniform has a white collared shirt, with a navy blue cardigan and skirt, matched with navy blue knee high stockings with a white line at the top of each stockings, and finally, some plain dark brown shoes. Personally, I would like it way better if it was black. But I can't complain.

I put on the uniform, twirling around for a bit. It matches me perfectly, and I haven't even received my uniform yet! I smile, heading downstairs, to meet my mother's eyes, who has the uniform in hand, her eyes widen looking at me.

" did you get that uniform? You weren't supposed to get that until now." She looked at me in suspicion, but I shrugged my shoulders and sat down at the table, eating the stupidly plain cereal in my stupidly plain, white, small bowl placed in front of me. Honestly, it's so not cute, but my parents refused to buy me anything with pink in it, telling me to be less girlier to stand out. What a pain in the ass.

After I finish eating, I grab my pink and white backpack, which is decorated with gold for the edges and zipper, with pink bunnies strewn around messily, yet smoothly. "Goodbye mom! See you soon! Tell dad that I'm at school!" I wave to my mother, who doesn't move a single bit, and I quickly rush off, skipping my way to school like a perfect, innocent, sweet girl.

As I draw closer to my said school, I stopped in place, realizing it looked like a big, dark castle. "A goddamn castle? You kidding me?" I let out a sigh, continuing to walk towards the castle- I mean school that gave me a bad vibe about it, similar to the feeling I had in my bedroom.

Oh. My. God.

As I'm looking inside the school, the lobby is massive! My entire house does not, and I mean NOT compare to the size of this lobby, honestly, I am scared to see what the classrooms look like. As I look around, I notice there was a girl hiding behind a pillar, watching me. So, the most obvious thing I do, is stare back. She finally comes out, shuffling over to me, her gaze casted towards the floor like her life depended on it. I gave a look of suspicion, asking, "What's the matter? You're acting strangely..."

She finally raised her head after a while, handing me a piece of paper. "Join us." Her voice unemotional and distant. As I read the paper, I chuckle to myself.

Join us,
We, the members of the Photography Club invite you to our small club. If you shall deny this opportunity, you will never receive this ever again. Choose wisely, as you can only join through our invitation.
                                                ~ The President

Wow, how utterly fancy of them. I smile, looking up at the girl who seems to be giving me the cold shoulder. "I accept." I whisper to her, who slips me another piece of paper, "Come at 12:00 pm to 302. ~Harmony" I nod, heading to my classroom, papers in hand, slamming the door open like an overly extra character from a cartoon.

"Oh, a new girl." I hear the class mumble, what the hell is wrong with them?

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