The Ritual

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I was setting up for a Prayer ritual for Loki the god of fire and Thor the god of thunder when a medium build pale blond man, a tall viking boy with the same hairstyle as my father, and a young woman found me doing this ritual in the middle of the woods. I drew the Viking compass and made a salt circle around the Viking compass. Then I placed two green candles and two blue candles North, South, East, and West. The green candles symbolizing Loki and the blue candles symbolizing Thor. Then I lit the candles, some incense in a small cauldron and stood in the middle of the compass holding the cauldron towards the sky while I managed to bring a bottle mead from my parents private jet to offer the gods and said these Old Norse prayers while offering the gods the mead.

"By inn witness of flame
my trickster is named loki
loki ek call! hear mik, ek pray.
speak to my heart
ok set mik ablaze!", we prayed out loud.

"Hail Thor. Ek praise du this Thursday. May du always watch yfir mik ok my fellow heathens. Friend Thor, grant mik your strength", we pray to Thor.

Then as soon as I blew out the candles and buried the ashes of the incense. A clash of thunder struck down from the clear night sky as if Thor heard me. As I was leaving a tall brown haired man, the viking man who looks to be in his late 20's, and a blonde looked to be 19 came out from behind the trees and startled me. As soon as the viking boy looked into my eyes it was like the whole world stopped. It was like nothing else mattered but me. He knew right then he has found his soulmate. The the brown haired man knew his son found his soulmate. The brown haired man asked me who I was, and what I was doing out in the forest at night. I told him that I'm Norse Pagan like my parents and That I was praying to the Norse god Loki the god of fire and the Norse god Thor god of thunder. He knew that I was either 19, 20 or 21 so they brought me to their place. When we made it to his place a tall black haired man met us at the door. When we walked to the living room there was a tall blonde girl with a body builder standing next to her and redhead girl on the couch. "That's Jason", the blonde boy pointed to the boy who met us at the door. "Hi I'm Jason", The black haired boy who greeted us at the door introduce himself with an American accent. "Hi I'm ", the body builder greeted me with a bear hugs. "Hi I'm Rosalie Cullen", the tall blonde girl said.. "That's Edward and Bella Cullen", Alice said. "You probably already know Jacob and his soon to be wife Renesmee", Alice said. "What's your name?", Shelby asked me. "Thora Lodbrok Johnston", I responded. "Are you related to anyone from the reservation?", the blonde man asked. "Sam Ugley is my half brother", I answered. He nodded. "What is your name by the way?", I asked. "Carlisle Cullen and this is my wife Esme", as a tall long brown hair woman came to his side. " pleased to meet you", Esme greeted me. "And I'm Alice Cullen", the pixie hair girl introduces herself as she gave me a hug. I hugged back."I'm Shelby Eldr Björn Cullen", Shelby introduces himself with a Nordic accent. "How old are you?", Carlisle asked. "I'm 21", I answered. "No need for secrets we know you are all vampires, a werewolf, and hybrid", I said. They all narrowed their eyes at me in shock. "How did you know?", Alice asked first. "the spirit of Björn Ironside told us", I said. "Rosalie call Sam Ugley and tell him that his sister crossed onto our land and Shelby found his soulmate", Carlisle told Rosalie. "I'm not going back to the reservation just to let you know", I told him. "What happened?", Carlisle asked. "He found out that I'm a Norse Pagans by finding my Book of Shadows and seeing my Norse pagan head tattoos and totally flipped his shit and told us that I'm not to practice my religion on the reservation", I told him. "So I told him that I won't on the reservation but go somewhere else and do my rituals", I told Carlisle. "we had big argument in Norwegian and I finally had enough and packed my shit and left to pray to Loki and Thor", I told him. "I see", Carlisle said. "How come I haven't seen you around?", Alice asked.  "I've been living in Norway with my parents", I answered. "That explains the Nordic accent", Emmett said out loud. "What were you doing in the woods", Emmett asked. "I was doing a prayer ritual", I answered. "So a devil worshipper?", Emmett asked. "No Emmett she is an Norse Pagans she believes in the Norse gods and goddesses like Odin, Thor, Loki, and Freya etc. She doesn't summon demons or worship satan", Shelby said. "What language were y'all speaking in the forest", Emmett asked. "Old Norse", I answered. "Tell me more about your religion I'm very interested", Jasper Cullen asked us. So me and Shelby explain everything about my religion. Carlisle noticed my Viking age clothes. "So your ancestors were Vikings?", Carlisle asked. "My father's side", I answered. "I'm actually a descendent of a Nordic Viking warrior ", I told them. "Who are some of the gods and goddesses you worship?" Alice asked. "I worship the Norse gods Loki, Thor, Odin, and Freya", I answered. Shelby looked at Carlisle and said "can she stay the night so they can calm down?" "She can sleep in my room since it has a bed", Alice said.

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