Chapter 1

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At the usual meeting spot, I sat at the table outside the coffee shop waiting for T'Challa. My heart was racing, I wanted him to get here sooner. I wanted to get to Wakanda, I wanted to see him. I wanted to see Bucky.

"Your foot is tapping," T'Challa's voice spoke behind me and I turned in my seat.

"I'm getting anxious," I stood up, grabbed my bag and we walked down the sidewalk. "How is he?"

"We brought him back a week ago, he's adjusting quickly," T'Challa answered. "The children have grown fond of him."

"How cute," I laughed. "Does he know I'm coming?"

"Yes, he's anxious too," T'Challa smiled.

When no one was looking we stepped off the sidewalk and into the trees. Ahead of us was T'Challa's jet. The back ramp descended and we stepped up onto the jet. I took a seat and Okoye, the Wakanda General, stood at the front, eyeing me.

"Hello," I smiled.

We had met previously, but she was still needing some time to warm up to my presence. She was good at her job of protecting the King. 

Okoye nodded in reply, crossed her arms over her chest in an 'X' to greet T'Challa, the common Wakandan greeting, and turned to the front of the jet. She spoke to him in another language, he replied, then spoke in English.

"Eleanor, when we arrive Shuri will be greeting us, she will be with Barnes."

"Alright, thank you," I nodded.


"You're tapping your foot again," T'Challa pointed as he walked past me.

"Either you deal with the tap-tap-tapping or I freeze the jet, make your choice," I replied, smiling up at him.

"I prefer the tap-tap-tapping," Okoye spoke from the front of the jet.

"She's smart," I pointed.

"I apologize for the hot climate we have in Wakanda, I can't imagine that it brings you much comfort," T'Challa said.

"That's why I'm wearing a tank top and shorts, and sandals," I replied, looking down at my outfit.

I was not prepared the first time I had been in Wakanda, I was wearing a long sleeve and pants, big mistake; almost had heatstroke. This time, that would be avoided.

Within a few hours, the jet arrived at the borders of Wakanda and I stood at the front of the jet. I stared out the window at the beautiful mountains, greenery, and humble villages. Then came my favorite part, the palace in all it's beautiful glory. I glanced down at the main entrance, my eyes caught the distant figure of Shuri, and standing a few feet back from her was a taller figure and my heart raced even more. My breath fogged the glass of the window and Okoye clicked her tongue.

"Sorry," I backed away from the glass as the jet began to land.

I stood next to T'Challa at the back door and folded my hands in front of me, but my fingers still fiddling. I felt the jet hit the ground and the back door opened. The heat from outside hit me like a train against the air-conditioned jet. Wisps of hair fell out of my braid and danced in front of my face. I tucked them behind my ear and squinted against the light from outside and once my vision readjusted, T'Challa placed his hand on my back and escorted me off the jet. Shuri stood with her hands behind her back. She was biting her bottom lip with a smile on her face, and bouncing on the balls of her feet. T'Challa and I reached the ground and walked forward a few paces before stopping. Bucky was now standing next to Shuri, he was draped in what looked like a toga, which gave him the appearance of a Grecian. One cloth covered the empty spot on his shoulder where his left arm had once been. On his feet he wore sandals and his hair had been pulled into a half up half down style. His eyes were on me and still trying to decide whether he was dreaming or not, the last time he had seen me was on the floor of the HYDRA bunker, covered in my own blood.

Frostbite: The Time In Between// Book 6 of the Frostbite SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now