Chapter 5

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Why did it surprise me that we had a whole shelf section for HYDRA files? It was all labeled alphabetical, making it easy for me to find what I was looking for.

A, B, C, D, E... F.. Flint, Eleanor.

I pulled out the stack of files and set them at my feet. I kneeled down and sat criss cross on the floor, spreading out the folders and papers in front of me. When the Avengers had our streak of infiltrating HYDRA bases, we seized opportunities to take every file that we could. Of course every HYDRA base keeps file of the Winter Soldiers, and of course Steve took the files about Bucky and me.

The first file in line was from Sokovia, it was small, but I figured that I might as well read it.

Eleanor Flint
HYDRA Assassin 1961-1989
Mixed Martial Arts, Enhanced Abilities.

The rest of the page described my powers, that I already knew about, so I turned to another paper and continued to read.

Number of Missions: 140
Completed Missions: 136
Assassinations: 98
In Base Accidents: 23

"In Base Accidents?" I repeated out loud, searching the rest of that file for some sort of answer and failing.

I suppose that this file was an overview of me and another file had more information. Before I moved on to the next file, I finished reading the last page that focused on the Frostbite Serum.

Frostbite Serum adapted from Arnim Zola and Vasily Karpov's experiments.
Number of Volunteers: 30
Number of Trials: 27
Failed Trials: 27
Volunteer Deaths: 27
When injected with Serum, subject's body temperature drops to 30 degrees Celsius after five minutes. Frost spreads over body, lips turn blue, skin loses color, blisters begin to form. After ten minutes subject is unresponsive.

Behind the last page were pictures of the subjects, laying on the ground in a cell with blue lips, pale skin, blisters all over them and open eyes that stared straight ahead. I quickly closed the file and sat for a moment, the room was silent except for the sound of my light breathing. Technically, I killed those people. It was a serum made from my own DNA that froze these people to death. I shook my head to get the image of frozen bodies out of my brain, and turned to the next file, this one was a little bigger, and it was from Siberia. Why do we have a file from Siberia? Best guess is that Tony went back after the fight and scavenged for any files he could get his hands on.
The front cover had my name printed in big, black, block letters; beneath that in smaller print was my codename, Frostbite. Stamped the top right corner was the HYDRA emblem, a red skull with tentacles reaching out in a circle. Visions of torture, missions, and training flashed through my head. I shut my eyes and shook my head again. I opened the file, forcing myself to read on and find answers, to know more about myself, about my missing life.

Eleanor Flint, Winter Soldier.
Abilities to produce ice, frost snow-

I turned the page, I know who I am, I want to know what I did.

November 12, 1961. First Assassination, Senator Brandt and his wife-

"What what?!" My voice echoed throughout the basement. I reread that sentence, vapor clouded from my mouth and I waved it away.

- in their New York City home. Flint was unable to complete mission, resulted in harder training, electrical shocks, and psychological conditioning.

I read through the list of my assassinations, most of them names I did not recognize, the only names significant to me were Senator Brandt and President John F. Kennedy. Thankfully, no one else that I knew personally, but it was still horrifying that I assassinated all these people.

Frostbite: The Time In Between// Book 6 of the Frostbite SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now