Sacha Bucciarati

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Rain drizzled down onto the umbrella Bruno held in his hands while his sister walks behind the male he was after. Dark trench coat and purple haired man stepped out blood dripping down his forehead and the bottle in his hand trembling as he shook. Bruno stepped closer and looked down at the man.

"Abbachio wasn't it. "

He said with a soft tone lifting his head a bit as the umbrella he held shifted gently. The other male didn't move as he stared down the man. He slowed himself down with the trembling motions and stayed still. The ran washed a portion of his blood from his gaze but more poured down to add onto the Reddened liquid.

"It isn't the end result that is important... It is the path you take you to get there. " Closing his umbrella the rain assaulted the black haired male and his apparel.

"Join my team Abbachio. Don't die bound to your past. " Abbacchio stood and listened before gently leaning down. The bottle of booze sat onto the stone as he lifted himself up and gazed to the male. He nodded in agreement.

"Sacha..... Tend his wounds. " Abbacchio felt the delicate touch of a women on his shoulders as she stepped to his line of view. Her eyes met his and she placed her finger to her delicate lips.

"Hush child.... Sleep.... " And with that. Abbacchio fell into a deep trance.

Leone Abbacchio x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now