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Sacha set her head down into her desk and groaned greatly. Papers piled up and she is was frustrated with it. Her head was spinning and losing Doppio hours before was causing her to get very very angry.

A gentle tap indicated a cup of tea being placed beside her. Looking up Sacha saw the light coloured hair and purple lipstick of Abbacchio.

"Thanks. "

Taking the warm mug she sipped the liquid and smiled. It was refreshing from the work she was enduring. Looking at her friend Sacha noticed how nervous he was. His hands where playing with his shirt hem and his eyes looked anywhere but her.

"What's your issue? "

Abbacchio looked to her and swallowed hard. He couldn't form words and her eyes staring down him wasn't helping.

"It's.. T-the thing... And Doppio. "

Sacha stood up and sighed.

"Look I was trying to watch him and not get caught. It was heat of the moment soret it happened to you Abbacchio. "

Watching her body change into a slumped less excited figure made Abbacchio regret trying to talk about the incident.  He was startled yes. Did he enjoy it? Definitely.

Sacha was stunning to say the least and her caring personality always warmed Abbacchio's heart. But the biggest issue was her brother being Bruno. And Abbacchio knew if in some way he hurt the delicate female her brother would strangle him.

She was a big girl though.

"It's not that it's just.... Nevermind. Here Bruno want me to give you this. "

Dropping more papers onto her desk Sacha  groaned more her hands running deeply through her hair.

"Thanks asshole. "

Waking up to her brothers hands grasping the cloth of her clothing, Sacha whined grumpily. Bruno smiled as she leaned against his body. Swallowing gently she pulled closer to her brother while he carried her further into their home.

"You fell asleep with paper work again. I suppose that means your going to be a hassle again. "

Sacha closed her eyes again and mumbled a few insults before she was set down in her bed. Sliding the blanket over her Bruno kissed her temple before flicking the lights off. Running his hand down the door he looked back at his younger sister.

Long black and purple hair fell down her shoulders tickling the flesh above her breasts it was usually well kept but when sleeping she couldn't care less for it. Smiling and giving a like short chuckle he looked down as Jack Daniels trotted in and jumped to her side. His large body curled around hers and snuggled warming her.

Bruno closed the door and walked out the hallway to the main living area. Hi or no was asleep on the couch and Fugo was slowly falling asleep. Watching his team in such a peaceful state made him smile and appreciate them more.

Taking a quilt from the couch back be covered Giorno and Fugo as they slept. He walked past each and everyone's rooms checking on them kindly. As he looked in on Abbacchio he saw the male sitting up and reading.

The book in his hand was a romantic novel which struck the leader odd. He knocked on the door gently and leaned his shoulder into the door frame.

"Your still awake? It's 11;30 Abbacchio. "

Scoffing the purple haired male looked back down at his book ignoring his boss's comment. His finger flipped the pages as he crossed his leg.

"Are you my mother all the sudden? "

Bruno knew how Abbacchio could get and what he said was never honest. He only said these things out of stubbornness and spite. He never meant the words he spoke. With one last spirt of energy he shrugged and spoke teasingly.

"Whatever you say. "

As he walked away his fingers flicked the light off and closed the door. A shout of protest and thunk of something falling echoed out as Bruno laughed.

Returning to his room he layed down and smiled once more prepared for bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2019 ⏰

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