Chapter 2

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Y/n's POV:

Once the door opened, there was a lady. But not my mother. In fact this woman wasn't close to looking like my mother. She looks at me as if I was somewhat delusional. "You sure about that?" She asked. I look at her sadly "Sorry to bother you." I say in a disappointed tone. The police car pulls over. Crap. "You just had to take my lunch, huh?" I start to walk to the car. "You save me any fries?"

Time Skip to the orphanage (correct me if I'm wrong)

"Foster home in Pittsburgh reported you home missing two weeks ago." The lady (I forgot her name 😬) was telling me about the last time I left a foster home. "You sending me back?" I asked. "No. They don't want you." She replied. Damn. Why would they even adopt me in the first place if they don't want me anymore?

"Harsh." I chuckle. "You laugh, but you've run from foster homes in six countries Ms. Batson. For good people who want you, all in pursuit of someone who arguably does not. It's time someone looked you in the eye and told it to you straight." She bickered.

"I don't need parents to play make-believe with. I got a mom." I snapped. "Yes. You're some detective. 73 Batsons, between the ages of 28-40 and crossed out everyone."

"She's still out there. I know it" I argued. God why can't she just listen and not make things complicated?

She sighs in frustration as I see a man and woman outside of the window. "There's a couple outside, Ms. Batson. They run a group home." She says. "I can take care of myself." I argue in annoyance. "When you're 18." She argues back.

"Until then, I won't have you living on the streets looking for someone who never looked for you." Okay lady one you're not my god damn mother and two I know she's out there....I just need to look harder.

"Give these people a chance. 'Cause that's what they're giving you." She says with giving me a sympathetic look. I look out the window again. "You're our of options." Fine I'll do it just to get you out of my hair.

Time skip to Victor's and Rosa's van

I get in the van, having a mixed feeling of awkwardness along with a tad bit of annoyance. Then Victor spoke up. "Alright let's get the spiel. Just stay with me and Rosa."

"We get it. We were foster kids back in the day." Victor says. "Ooh, back in the dark ages." Rosa laughs. Then Victor laughs and responds "Girl! I'm young at heart. Got my finger on the pulse."

"Yeah that's a reference to his blood pressure because he's old." She teases. "(Y/n), do you have any food allergies?" Rosa asks. "Oh, wish you did. Darla's cookin'." Victor interferes. "Oy, guerito!" "What?" Victor asks.

As we exit the van and walk into the house, Rosa gets serious. "We know how overwhelming it can all be. New house new faces." "All up in your face." "Just...take it at your own speed." We finally enter the house.

I'm not gonna lie as soon as I entered the place it didn't look that great but there was some really good music playing. "Hello? We're home!"

I see a little boy who seemed to be molded in a couch, playing video games. There were maybe 4 bottles of root beer. Damn. He looks like he's been going at it for a while.

"That's what happens when you suck!" I hear the little boy say. "So much for he welcome party." Rosa sarcastically says. "Yeah, that thing growing out of the couch would be Eugene." She chuckles.

Then a little girl comes in with the brightest smile I've possibly seen. "Is that him? Oh, my gosh! (Y/n)!" She runs up to me as quick as possible. "Whoa, slow down, slow down!" Victor says while she engulfs me the biggest hug I've ever been in.

"Welcome home!" She says as she says still hugging me. "And that's Darla." Victor introduces. "I'm Darla." She says. "Big hugger." Victor adds. "I noticed." I chuckled.

"Die! Die! Die!" Eugene yells at his game. "He doesn't mean that. It's the game." Darla reassures. Victor then walks to Eugene "No sodas after dark, remember?" He says then snatches the tablet from Eugene. He looks at the window in front of him. "Woah. When did it get dark?" Eugene asks.

"Oh, the poster. I made you one." She says as she takes my hand and drags me to what I'm supposing is the dining room. "Come look!" I then see a pink poster with the words Welcome home (Y/n) in pink glitter.

The poster seemed to be held down by a couple of weights. "Oh, no! Sorry, Pedro must've been working out. He was supposed to be at school." She said disappointingly. She then tries to take the poster out. But then the corner ripped off. "Oh." I say. "Here." She says sadly.

Then I hear a girl on the phone who seemed to be interviewed for god knows what. "Yes. Exactly why your Math Department is so uniquely suited for me. I can't, I can't even....with Eugene right now."

She them blocks the speaker part and introduces herself. "Sorry. Mary. Hi. College interview." "I'm (Y/n)-" "What am I most excited about? Oh. What a great question. I was hoping you ask." She looks at Victor hoping he has an answer. "Mention you're a foster kid. Colleges eat that up."

She goes back on the phone saying "What I'm most excited about is the campus experience. As a foster child, I'm a big believer in finding family and friends in the most unlikely of places."

"Oh, I'm gonna miss that girl so much!" Rosa says. "It's Caltech." Victor said. I'm assuming it's Mary's possible future college. "It's a very prestigious school. And also all the way in California." He adds.

"But we don't have to talk about that right now. It's a tough subject for me." Darla interferes which then asks "Do you like vegan food?" "Mm-mm." I respond. " 'Cause see, I love animals." I smell smoke. Is something burning?

Yet another cliffhanger? (I put a question mark because idk if it really was a cliffhanger).

Quick question: Should (Y/n) and Freddy just be friends or more than that?

Anyways, I'm back guys (even though I put in an A/n apologizing for not updating sooner a few days ago.)

But I have the script ready and I'll work on Chapter 3 when I can (I'm gonna go out of town for a couple of days for my scoliosis appointment.)

Anyways, that's all I have to say.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope you have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening. 💜

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