Chapter 4

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"Look, you don't have to hug me all the time. We're not actually sisters, so." I say thinking that she knew. She lets go of me with the saddest look on her face. Good job, asshole you made a little girl who's your 'sister' sad.

She walks away from me to her class sadly. "I'm sorry." I slightly shout so she can hear. Then Freddy goes to Darla and wraps his arm around her as they walk. "Hey." Freddy says. "Hey." Darla replies with the saddest tone in her voice.

"I-I didn't mean to make her..." Before I got to finish my sentence, Freddy put his hand up to sign that it's okay. How is it fine? I just made her sad.

Time Skip to lunch (I'm not gonna do Dr. Sivana's part cause even though he's the villain in the story, he's irrelevant 😂)

I'm sitting here (bbq sauce on my tiddies. I'm sorry for what you've just witnessed 😂) all by myself at lunch just thinking to myself. How come we can drink a drink, but not food a food? What happened to the Sour Patch Parents? Why is vanilla ice cream white but vanilla extract and vanilla bean is brown?

My thoughts then get interrupted by a tray slightly slammed to the table by the one and only Freddy. He then immediately asks "Flight or invisibility? If you could have one superpower, flight or invisibility, what would you pick?" I honestly don't know. Why would you just ask someone that all of a sudden?

"Everybody chooses flight. You know why?" He says enthusiastically. "So they can fly away from this conversation?" I ask. (*airhorns start blaring*)

"No, 'cause heroes fly. Who doesn't want people to think they're a hero, right? But-But invisibility, no way, I mean, that's perfect. Spying around on people who don't even know you." As he kept talking, I got up and walked away.

"Sneaking around everywhere. It's a total villain power, right?" Freddy shouts. I turn around and see that everyone is looking at him weirdly. I couldn't help but giggle a little.

I threw my trash and put my tray on the tray-holder (idk if that's what they're called) then I hear Freddy coming. "Then I did this study, and this is a real thing." He said as he threw his trash but the sound of it seemed a bit heavier but I didn't seem to care.

"They asked people the same question, you know, what superpower do you want? But this time, they made it so the answers were anonymous. And-And most people, since they knew that it was secret, said invisibility. And I think that's 'cause most people don't feel like heroes on the inside, deep down. You're gonna run away. I mean, you stole my Superman bullet." Aw, shit. It's okay I can just lie about it. I'm a good liar.

"Dude, I get it, I get it. You've been screwed over way too many times." Guess he knows about my history. "But that's the thing about invisibility. You handle it by yourself." He said as I came to realization.

Did this boy want to talk about superpowers because he knows about the bullet? Damn, he's clever. But it doesn't I'm gonna confess.

"I didn't steal your dumb bullet." I reply with a bit of annoyance in my voice.

Time Skip to the end of school

Finally school's over. As I walk out of hell- I mean school, I see Mary and the others from my peripheral vision coming towards me.

"Hey, how was it today?" She asked. I stay quiet. "That good huh?" She chuckled.

We kept walking until there was this black truck that almost ran over Freddy. Thankfully it didn't it just bumped into him roughly, making his crutch give the truck a scratch.

"Oh, my god! Freddy!" Mary says worriedly. Jesus Christ doesn't this person not know how to drive. Then these two boys got out of the truck. Well no wonder these guys are such shitty drivers. They're practically our age.

I just stood there with my 'siblings' around Freddy checking to see if he's okay. "You okay? What the hell? What is wrong with you two?" Mary asked in a very pissed tone.

All of a sudden, one of the boys held Freddy by the shirt and pushed him to the car door. "No way that's gonna buff out." Brett said. "You gonna pay for that thing?" Burke. I scoffed in disbelief.

"For the dent you made for almost hitting me? Yeah, sure, um, do you guys take these." He asks as he flipped them off. I couldn't help but giggle quietly.

They then started to attack Freddy. I didn't want any part of this so I walked away. "Brett, stop!" Mary demands. "Don't touch my brother!" Darla also demanded.

I keep walking away from this chaos. "What, you need your fake family to stand up for you?" Brett asks. "Stand up for yourself, man." Burke sarcastically demands. Just ignore them (Y/n).

"What are you gonna do? Go home, cry to mommy?" Brett asks mockingly. "Oh, yeah you don't have a mommy." He also responds mockingly. I stopped my tracks and turned around. Did this bitch just say?

(I'm sorry I just had to 😂)

"Stop hurting him!" I walk up to those assholes, grab Freddy's crutch and whack one of the boys with it. "Hey!" One of the boys exclaimed. "Man, sorry about that." I say, making my voice sound innocent and cute.

"That wasn't fair, but, then again, you don't play fair, so." I mean....I'm not wrong. All of a sudden, Eugene comes out of nowhere swinging nunchucks.

"Back off, assbags, I know how to use these things!" He warns as he then hits the back of his head with one of them. "Oh!" He exclaimed. I stifled a chuckle.

Thanks to Eugene being a distraction it gave me the opportunity to whack the boys again. "Hey!" They yelled as I ran as fast as I could. "Freddy, you okay?" Darla asked.

"Nowhere to run! Go, go, go! Grab him!" I hear the boys yell.

I ran as fast as I could till those dicks could stop following me. "Get out of the way! Whoa!" I yell. "You're dead, kid!" Brett yelled. Thankfully I ran fast which ended me up in the subway. I got in the train (is that what they're called because the only subway I've been in is the one where they serve sandwiches.) as soon as the door closed, the boys caught up.

I stick my tongue out in a mockingly matter. "Yeah, you think you're funny?" They ask. I nod and flip them off as the train leaves. I'm pretty sure they yelled something else but I ignored it.

"Next stop, 30th Street Station. Change for the Regional Rail Line." The lady on the intercom (correct me if I'm wrong) announced. Then all of a sudden, everyone in the bus is gone and the lights go out.

Alright you know the drill with the cliffhanger. But anyways I'm back!!! No I didn't take a break if that's what you were wondering. This week was busy because I was hanging out with my family and I had Band Olympics which were really fun. I'm sorry if these chapters take a long time. They're over 1,000 words and I try to decide where would be good to end the chapter. And I'll try my best to do the next chapter because I have Summer Band on Monday for the whole week and he rest of the month and somewhat of August. And that's all I have to say.
Anyways that's all and I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope you have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening. 💜

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