Outcasts and Helping Jojo

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The next day, when the Professor took his daughters to school, he said to them "So, I'll be waiting here to pick you up when school gets out, okay?" "Okay. But don't worry, Professor, things are going to be fine!" said Blossom. "Mind if we split here too?" asked Nagisa. "We'd like to go explore and see more of Townsville" said Honoka. "Okay then" said the Professor. The teen girls got out of the car and the Professor left once they were out. "Your girls have fun" Hikari smiled. "We will!" said the little girls. They went inside the school building and the teen girls walked away. Later, when they walked by the school, they noticed Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup outside alone waiting to be picked up by the Professor. "Are you guys okay?" asked Nagisa. "We're fine," Blossom said. "We're just waiting for the Professor. Everyone else has gone home." "He's not coming. He hates us, he totally hates us!" Buttercup huffed as she folded her arms which made Bubbles burst into tears. "Maybe you can fly home?" Hikari shrugged. "We're not supposed to use our powers, Hikari" Blossom explained sadly. "Then we'll take you home. Come on, girls" said Honoka. So everyone began to walk slowly down the dark and foreboding path to Townsville. As they walked by an electronics store, they saw a bank of TVs that showed different programs talking about the Utonium kids. As the sounds of the different shows argued with each other, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup's faces were full of remorse and sadness, discovering what the town truly thinks of them. Nagisa, Honoka, and Hikari felt bad for them. They all walked off slowly.

The girls walked past a basketball court, even more dejectedly now. Still refusing to use their powers, the little girls walked up and down the twisted road left by their game followed by the teen girls. As they continued walking, they kept seeing more and more signs of destruction. Their reflections were mirrored in a large glass dome as they walked by it. Then they stopped for a minute. "Well, it's official. I have no idea where we are." said Buttercup. "Townsville is a big place" said Honoka. "Well, I can't say it's been the best day." said Blossom. "You said it" Nagisa agreed. "But it probably couldn't get much worse..." said Bubbles. On cue, it started to rain hard. Buttercup started to yell out and Bubbles began to cry. "Hey, it's okay! Uhh ... maybe there's a box we can get in around back! Come on!" said Blossom. The girls walked behind what looked like a convenience store. "See? There's a whole bunch of boxes!" said Blossom. Suddenly, Arturo from The Gangreen Gang sprung up and scared the girls. Snake and Big Billy soon followed, making them scream. As a semi's door opened slowly, it revealed Ace, who sprung forward, looking imposing. "Aww... What's the mattah? Somebody get wost?" he mocked with an evil grin and laughed with the other members of his gang. At that point, Grubber popped in making raspberry noises. The gang was about to attack the girls, but before Nagisa, Honoka and Hikari could transform, a trash can lid was being thrown across the area. It hit the gang one by one and flew over the six girls, making them safe. They all smiled and turned to see a dark figure with bright pink glowing eyes with a bag over its head and a scarf flowing in the wind. "Wow, Thanks!" the girls said in awestruck.

The figure promptly jumped down from the truck and began to run away. "Hey, wait! Come back!" Blossom called out, forcing her and the others to go after him. The figure hid in a box and as the girls ran up searching in his direction, Blossom was the first to spot him. "Hey guys, over here! Hi! What's your name? I'm Blossom!" said Blossom. "Buttercup" the green girl introduced herself. "I'm Bubbles!" the blue girl chirped. "My name's Nagisa" Nagisa introduced herself. "I'm Honoka" Honoka greeted. "And I'm Hikari" Hikari smiled. "Go away, please, do not look at me." said the figure. "But we just wanted to thank you for saving us from those green gangsters back there." said Blossom. "Yeah, that was amazing with the trash can lid! It was all fwish, bang, crash, bam, boom!" Buttercup added. "Yeah, you rock!" Nagisa cheered. "No, please." The figure said from inside the box as his eyes looked sad. "For I have been lashed by harsh tongues for too long. Alas my little ones, I do not rock. For I, Jojo, am a monster!" As he spoke the last word, a bolt of lightning illuminated his face. "You're not a monster. Monsters are evil" said Honoka. "Yeah, and anybody who would save us like you did is so not evil." Buttercup agreed. "You're no monster, mister; you're just really dirty-" Bubbles added. "Please, you're just trying to make me feel better. But my pain is not for you to understand. Besides, how could you? For you are pure and innocent, and most certainly loved." Jojo spoke again. The girls glanced at each other as Jojo spoke those words, feeling it was untrue. Jojo continued to speak. "How could you know what it is to be cast out into a world that only offers misery? How could you know what it's like for people to fear and despise you for the very things that make you special?" The girls dropped their heads as they silently understood what Jojo was going through. Even the teen girls seemed to agree with him. "Because you don't fit in! Because you are a FREAK!" Jojo emerged from his box. He showed his true form of a green chimp with a huge brain.

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