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You woke up an hour later cuddling Alex,you reach for your phone and see it's 11:00 you see you have 30 missed called from Brandon 16 messages from him 2 from Diego.1 missed FaceTime call from Ona

Shit!shit! Shit! U said repeatedly waking up Alex
A; what wrong beautiful?
Y: Alex!! I was supposed to be home an hour ago
A: really we must of fallen asleep
A: he knows your with me right?
Y: no..
A: oh good, um get dressed I'll drive you there
You guys get dressed and head out you get in the car and Alex kissed you,you kiss but pull away he starts the car and drives you home.You got out and so did he.You opened the door with your house keys and you see Brandon standing right there

B: I said I wAnted to you back at 10:00 SHARP
Y: ahh.. see umm I-i fell asleep..
B: Why is Alex here
A: I gave her a ride
B: on what ?💀 your dick
B: you have explaining to do
A: ight ima dip bye Brandon,bye mamas

You go inside go and Brandon's just standing there.

B: what did you do?
Y: Nothing! now excuse me ima go to sleep k? Bye love you goodnight
B: y/nnnnnnnnn ugh nvm then

You head to your room and you immediately fall asleep on your bed.

Next morning

You woke up at 6:00 am,You grabbed your phone and saw a message from Diego

"Hey! You up?❤️"

You unlock your phone and text him
"Yeah just woke up,why?🥰"

You put your phone down and went to the bathroom and got ready.You wore a beige tank top and some beige pants.You went back to your room and grabbed your phone and took a mirror pick and posted it to insta

You went back to your room and grabbed your phone and took a mirror pick and posted it to insta

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Liked by diegomartir,real.ona and 95,273 others
zwxvy.y/n confused on life atm
diegomartir you look really cute today!What's the occasion?😂
real.ona wydm @diegomartir she always so damn cute
zwxvy.y/n @diegomartir @real.ona
thanksssssssssss I guess... but get uglier each day 🥰

You get a message from "Alex😍" you open it and it said "don't tell Brandon what we did yesterday" and you replied "okay I won't"
1 min later he texted back and said "love yuh mami😍😍" you rolled your eyes and turn off your phone

You got to school once Brandon was down changing and getting ready. Hey was gonna say something but you just ran off to your locker.When you got your book out and closed it you saw someone and it scare the living shit out of you


Chill princess!

You were surprised to see Diego there

Wtf! Diego don't scare me like that!
You literally gave me a mini heart attack

Diego didn't say a word, he had a disappointing expression on his face.
He was just staring at your neck trying to see something

What! Diego your freaking me out! SAY SOMETHING

I-Is that a h-hickey *he moved your hair out the way*

You weren't sure what he was talking about, you open your locker and looked for a mini mirror,you found it and looked at your neck. THERE WAS 3 HICKEYS ON YOUR NECK.

Who gave you those??... *his eyes were getting watery*

Diego I-I can explain...

then someone came and hugged you from behind,then kissed your cheek.You turn around and see Alex.You turn to face Diego and he's walking away. You try to get out of Alex grip but you can't.
ALEX!, let go of me. I need to talk to him.

Just let him leave him alone mamas,you don't need his ugly ass

At this point you were hella mad at Alex, you slapped him and he let go of you. You ran to Diego but he just ignored you. So you gave up and went to class.You completely forgot you sat next to him.
You felt guilty during class,you weren't paying attention. You thoughts were just

You whispered to him

Stop ignoring me,talk to me please?
No answer

Skip to lunch

You sat next to Ona,you didn't eat anything she noticed something was wrong?
O: what's wrong wife?
Y: boys are confusing the shit outta me
O: WHAT? Boys?!
Brandon looked over to you guys
B: huh? Y/n what's wrong?
Y: Nothin

You saw Alex,Carlos,Giovanny walk up and they sat with you guys
Alex sat next to you, then the others sat on the other side

B:Are you guys a thing?
Alex has his arm around you
Y: no! *you push his arm off*
O;*she moves your hair out of the away to see something on your neck * girrlllll is that a-
Brandon looked over
B: HICKEY?! *he looked pissed*
O: ooouuu get it girl!
B: don't hype her up about it
B: is that why Alex was with you yesterday?!
A&Y/n: no...

B: ALEX! WTF that's my sister
A: sorry! I couldn't help myself
Y:Brandon chill.its just a hickey
C:bruhhh "just a hickey" there's multiple hickeys on your neck
B: there's more!?

O: what else did you guys do?
A: nothing we were just-
Y: hanging out
G: and making out
C: you guys probably fucked too
C: What! wait - did you actually?
B: y/n? Did you?
Y: ...no..
B: don't lie
Y: I'm not!!!
B: your fucking lying

A: damn chill. It's not like you and Ona haven't done it!
O: aye don't bring us into this! This is about you two smashing.Now I'm just wondering why y/n would cheat on me?
B: y'all aren't even dating Ona,chill!
O: but we are married!
A: not really!
O: yeah but I take it seriously 😒
A: aren't you cheating on her then? Your with Brandon !
O:that's different
Y: *laughs*
B: don't laugh your still in trouble
Y: whatever
O: why would you do it with Alex tho?
A: cuz I'm hawt
Y: not even, you seduced me
B: he what?!
A: you accepted!
Y: I don't even like you! I wasn't thinking straight

O: oooiuu she just called you a ugly ass rat
C: damn, but where the rat come from
O: the trash
A:damn,chilll with the hate.

TBC 😴😴😴😴
Also ima post these for now let me now what you think about it so far???🥴🥴

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