Sero comes out to Denki

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Sero looked around the dorms, looking for Kaminari, the person he held to so dearly. He checked the lounge room, the kitchen and even the bathrooms for him. He finally decided to knock on Kami's room door.

"Come in!" The way Kaminari said that was charismatic, and made Sero smile brightly.

"Sero! Buddy! My pal, my main meme man, how's it hangin'?" Denki had a huge smile on his face because he was happy to see Sero.

"Heh Hey! I'm doing good. How are you lmao" Sero was trying his best to act cool.

"I'm doing great. Looked at memes, jacked off, and now I'm just listening to music!" Kaminari replied in such a fashion, that it made Sero burst out laughing, as one does when around their best friend.

Kaminari laughed with Sero too. After the huge laughing fit, Sero forgot why he even came to talk Kami, until Kaminari spoke about it.

"Anyways, what brings you here? You just to hang with me or what?" Kaminari said, taking off his earbuds.

"U-um well, I actually wanted to tell you something..." Sero nervously replied, sweating rivers pretty much.

"Oh, okay. Then tell me!" Kaminari smiled because he was curious.

"Um, well, we've known eachother for quite some time now, right?"

"Mhm! You're my bestfriend dude, what's wrong?"

"I'm bisexual."

"Oh. OH. That's awesome dude!"

"R-really? You think?"

"Yes really! I'm so glad you told me! It takes a lot of courage to do something like that, and that's what matters most! You're still my bestest pal!"

"Well, I mean, I've came out before. I came out to Mina. So now you and her are the only people that know."

"Oh, well way to make me feel less special."


"I'm kidding gosh. Mother fucker relax."

Sero playfully bit his arm because they're referencing the tik tok.

"OOooOOO" Said Kaminari.

And they continued their hang out session as normal. Yup, just two bros chilling, listening to music and making eachother laugh. And to me, that's pretty gay.

More Than Meme BestFriends? (Kaminari x Sero)Where stories live. Discover now