A Look Into The Future (part 1)

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{Sero's POV}
This is it! The day I'm proposing to Denki. I've been waiting for this moment for... well, forever. I planned it just perfectly. Well, it's not  that fancy of a dinner... or a romantic walk in the park to a perfectly lit up gazebo... But I think he'll like it nonetheless! Maybe.

You see, while Kaminari may be an excellent baker, I am a mediocre cook. Just kidding, I'm just above that. I'm an okay cook. For our special dinner, I made some yakisoba. For dessert, I made some mochi, which was fairly simple! I set it up on the table, putting some honeysucklE MY DICK- ahem, sorry about that. As I was saying, I put some honeysuckle on the table, to make it nice and pretty.

*click goes the door*

Oh, that must be Kaminari!

"Babe! I'm home! ♡" Kaminari called out. "I'm in here! And... I made dinner!" I replied. Kaminari then slid into the kitchen, with his appropriate pikachu socks. He kissed me, and looked at the table. "Ooo, this looks fancy! Is this all for me?" Kaminari said, with a grateful look in his eyes. "Yes, it is~" I said as I pecked his forehead. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's eat!" Kaminari said, rushing to the table. "Ah, ah, ah! What do we say fiirrsst?~" I cooed. "Itadakimasu!" Kaminari said, putting his hands together. "Good boy." I said. Kaminari took one bite, and his face was glowing. "This so good! Sero, you're amazing! I love you!" Kaminari yelled. "Aw! You're too sweet to me! But don't forget that you're amazing too~" I said in a sing-song voice. Kaminari blushed at my words. That's it, I need to get married to him now. I couldn't help but smile. Then I remembered what I was going to do, and I got suddenly very nervous. My heart started to pound and I started to sweat.

"Sero, you okay?" Kaminari asked. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine... Don't worry" I said. "Well, when you tell me not to worry, I'm gonna worry!" Kaminari replied. I had managed to calm myself down somehow, and took his hand from across the table.  "I'm fine baby, there's nothing to worry about." I soothed. He sighed and smiled. "Good, now I'll clean this up-" Kaminari started. "Oh, no! I can do the dishes for you! You just sit back and relax, okay?" I said. "Okay... I'll be in the other room." Kaminari replied.

[Kaminari's POV]
That was odd. I think something's wrong. Maybe I should contact Mina, she knows what to do, but she might be busy with the baby. A couple of months after her and Hagakure got married, they wanted a baby, so they adopted one. The whole Bakusquad were the first ones to meet the baby. Oh man, that baby was cute! Anyways. I think I'm going to texted her.

DenkiKaminari: Hey Mina! How's it hanging?

MinaAshido: Hey Denki! It's going great! The baby is sleeping and Toru is happy. How about you?

DenkiKaminari: I'm doing okay. Sero cooked a lovely dinner but all of the sudden he's acting strange.

MinaAshido: Strange? Like paranoid?

DenkiKaminari: No, but he seems nervous. He tells me everything is fine and not to worry, but I can't help it!

MinaAshido: That must only mean one thing.

DenkiKaminari: What?

MinaAshido: He's cheating on you!

DenkiKaminari: What?! But he loves me, he would never cheat on me!

MinaAshido: But think about it! He's acting nice all of the sudden, but getting randomly nervous about it! It seems... suspicious.

DenkiKaminari: No, Mina, you're wrong. You know him, he's your friend! How could you say that about him?

MinaAshido: You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. He's not cheating on you, I shouldn't have jumped to that conclusion.

DenkiKaminari: You're fine.

MinaAshido: Ah, shit. The baby is up again, talk to you later!

DenkiKaminari: Okay! Bye!

Well that was an awful idea. She got me worried over something that is totally not true and never going to be true! He wouldn't cheat on me, right? Whatever, I don't wanna think about that right now. "Hey you! You want some mochi" Sero whispered, trying to sound like someone selling me drugs. Not gonna lie, at that point, I really need some drugs. Just joking. "Hells yeah I want some mochi!" I replied. "Here." Sero said as he walked over and placed the tray down on the coffee table. We finished the tray and sat there is comfortable silence.

{3rd Person POV}
Sero got up from the couch and head toward the window. Sero turned around and nudges his head, signalling to Kaminari to get over there. Kaminari got up and joined Sero, who was looking out of the window. Sero felt as though the time was right. He stuck his hand in his pocket and felt that little black box.

"Denki, you know I love you, right?"

"Yeah, I do. And I love you, Hanta."

"Well, for me, that love has grown so much over the years. And with that love, my trust in you has grown just as much. Everytime I see you smile, that smile is the one I always hope to see. Denki, you're the light of my entire world. You are my soulmate. And so, here comes a very very important question."

Sero took out the black box out of his pocket, and got one knee. Kaminari eyes widened with joy.

"Denki Kaminari, will you marry me?"

"OH MY FUCKING GOD- YES, OF COURSE I WILL!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH HANTA!!" Kaminari screamed, tears rolling down his face. Sero popped right back up and and threw his arms around Kaminari. Sero kissed him with such passion and love. He then took Kaminari's hand and slid the ring on. It was a beautiful diamond ring. "It's beautiful, H-hanta." Kaminari said between sniffles. "A beautiful ring for a beautiful person." Sero replied, also in between sniffles. They didn't hesitate to take pictures. They sent pictures to their bestfriends and family. Both of their phones were blowing up. They never really got to sleep that night, but it was fine. They were engaged! And, they couldn't have been more happy! But now, their biggest obstacle was planning the wedding and actually getting married and their honeymoon.
If this wasn't clear enough, this is 1 years after they graduated from U.A. And, they got together in their 1st year, so it's been a couple of years since they got together.

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