Subway - K.R

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It was a cold night. The train rattled as it made its way through the subway at a breakneck speed. One hour left before the last stop. Only few people were left in the cabin. Everyone were dispersed, most minding their own business. Some chatters here and there. But it was overall a nice atmosphere.

Relaxing, some would say. Some like Keanu. To escape the hectic celebrity life, he began to appreciate the mundane everyday life. Taking trains, walking through parks, no special treatment or anything, that was the type of life for him. Afterall, he was human too. He would take the subway every week at this very same hour and day to return home. It's the only time during the week where it is less crowded. It was always the same people left in the train.

However, this time, there was someone rather unusual. Keanu was seeing her for the first time on this train. She looked rather peculiar, and tired. Very tired. Her hair was a mess, eyes droopy, clothes  wrinkled and shoes worn. However, there was a certain allure, a special something about her that kept his eyes from wandering elsewhere. Maybe it was the way she is sitting, or maybe the way she was scribbling in that notebook of hers, or maybe it was the way her crystal clear eyes moved across the page, like a soft caress.

Those crystal eyes that are looking at him, while her sleek brows turned up and her nose twitched, almost unnoticeably.

Wait- Looking at him!

Keanu immediately averted his eyes, hoping she didn't catch him staring. He nervously squirmed, feeling his cheeks starting to heat up.

(Y/n) didn't know what to say. She was trying to sketch some possible architectural designs that she could use for her project when she felt that burning gaze on her. As she looked up, the first thing she saw was a blur of black.

Soon her pupils focused and observed the man sitting in front of her. He was wearing all black, with some gray undertones here and there. His face... However, looked familiar. The trimmed and perfectly groomed beard and the black  hat was covering up some features. She couldn't tell if it was him who was staring, blaming them on the huge black sunglasses resting on his nose.

Tall, Dark and Handsome.

Her lips quirked up when she realized she was making the man in front of her uncomfortable. It was adorable to see him squirming and shifting uneasily. A full grown man acting like that- it was entertaining.

Suddenly, a jolt broke her intense staring. Her art file slid down the chair and her  papers scattered everywhere.

"Oh shit!" She exclaimed before she got down on your knees to gather the scattered papers.

"Oh my God! Here let me help you!" A another pair of hands suddenly started picking up the papers one by one, handling them as if fragile glass.

(Y/n) scrambled around and managed to gather all the papers within her reach. She hurriedly stood up, balancing herself to remain stable on the moving train. She looked gratefully at the stranger who helped her.

Soulful brown eyes clashed with her crystal ones. Breaths hitched, world dissolved and time froze. Both of them had only one thing in their mind.


Keanu broke the eye contact first, feeling extremely nervous. He forgot that he removed the glasses in the hurry to help her. Now that he could see her in full lights...

He cleared his throat and handed her the papers.

"Umm... Nice drawings you've got there."He mumbled, once again making eye contact with the lady in front of him.

(Y/n) was melting. Deep voice with a slight rumble, perfect articulation and such beautiful eyes. His shy, awkward personality was just the cherry top. She took the papers and sat down to stuff them in her folder.

"Thank you. For helping me and the compliment." She said while offering the kind stranger one of her brightest smiles.

Keanu returned a small smile and he sat next to her. "So... Umm... You are an artist?" he eagerly added before realizing he may make her uncomfortable with the sudden question. "Sorry I didn't mean to pry. Just some mindless curiosity," he hurriedly said before slightly increasing the space between them.

(Y/n) already had a good impression of the man. Now seeing him being a gentleman, just improved her impression. She knew he was trying to start a conversation. Well, they did have almost one hour in front of them. Might as well as clear this awkward atmosphere.

"No. I'm an interior designer. I like to draw concepts from the environment around us, hence the sketches." She replied with a small laugh, "How about you?"

"Oh, I'm just a small performer. Sorry, I should have introduced myself. Hi, I'm Keanu", he said while extending his hand, eyes twinkling.

"Hello, I'm (Y/n). Nice to meet you." She replied with a grin while shaking his hand.

And just like that, the hour went by, sharing light laughs, funny experiences and happy thoughts. Who would have thought? Two strangers. Two different worlds. Two different destinations. Yet, all it took was one jolt.

It was unfortunate that everything ends at some point. They said their quiet goodbyes, going their different ways.

But who said it had to end here?

Keanu stared at his phone, his thumb lingering on the newly saved number. A small smile remained on his lips as he thought about the wonderful time he spent.

It would be sad if it ended here, wouldn't it?

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