And Action! - K.R

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She was nervous. God! How she was nervous... Seriously, she could even start hyperventilating right now. Her heart was already beating fast, her palms were sweaty, arms were heavy and she was ready to vomit her mom's spaghetti.

(Y/n) thought she was overreacting. Afterall, she should have been ready for these type of scenes when she chose that carreer. She stared at the script, horrified. The character she was supposed to play was... Too daring. She applied for the supporting female lead, who was daring, forward and absolutely rebel which perfectly balances out the shy, awkward and overly well-mannered personality of the female lead.

Throughout the story, her character would urge the female lead to go out and experience college life before it all ends. She was not pushy but sure, she was stubborn. When the male lead showed some interest in the female lead, her character was the first one to get in action to set them up and help them through dramas and all. Just like any sappy romance stories.

That's normal, right? A normal script. It was a short movie. (Y/n) has played in some small TV shows, did some voice acting and even participated in plays. It's her first time working in a movie. But it started out smooth. The filming, meeting her colleagues, making connections; it has all been such a smooth transition.

Until now. The scene, in which she be acting, is based during a party where a group of friends are getting drunk and would play the "adult" version of truth or dare. Her character would be dared to make out with the male lead. She would try to be overly sensual with him, so that the female character would get uncomfortable and run out. The male lead would follow her and after an argument, she would pour out all her insecurities and would admit that she likes him too. And voilà! The movie ends here. With a kissing scene and fireworks. Then it was revealed that the second female lead did that to push her best friend to confess, since she got fed up with that denial stage. Comic relief moment.

What is making her nervous here is that she would have to act forward with the male lead. Who is none other than Keanu Reeves. She doesn't know how or why he ended up in this small cast for this probably average movie but here he was, taking the role of the male lead.

That guy is a total sweetheart. He was caring, attentive and completely dedicated to his work. (Y/n) always admired his work ethics as well as his personality traits... And his physique. They barely had scenes together, but they would meet and chat everyday during lunch, diner or even while going towards their respective caravan.

Slowly, her admiration developed into something more... And now, she realized that her character would have to make out, but not really, with his character.

Little did she know that her co-worker was going through the same dilemma.

Keanu is mentally preparing himself for the scene that they are about to shoot. It isn't something difficult or unusual for him. He has been in these type of situations before. However, this time it's different. Because the person who he is acting the scene with, had become someone rather special to him.

When he first met (Y/n), he could see some similarities with her character in her. She was confident and looked ready to go out of her way to obtain the best result. Something admired by many in the film industry. However, she was still down to earth, polite and considerate. When they would talk, their conversation would never remain on one topic. It would keep varying, jumping from one thing to the other which can go for hours non-stop.

He sincerely never felt connected to someone at this level before. As he made his way towards the set, he kept his professionalism but that didn't stop his heart from skipping a beat when he saw    (y/n) already there.

She was breathtaking. She always is. Even if she was in full get up, with that tight party dress, bold red lipstick and dyed hair. Her laid-back, confident stance, her eyes skimming over her copy while she asked for tips... It was just perfect for Keanu. She was perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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