Racing thoughts

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I'm honestly sorry for taking so long. It's been rough for me. I've had to deal with a lot over the past year - depression, school etc. I've been in school 40 hours every week and continued to work on homework and studied for exams until I went to sleep. Whenever I tried to just sit down in the little free time I had and continue writing on this story, the paper would just stay empty. It took me some time, but I finally finished chapter 7. I tried my best to get back into writing and I do hope you'll enjoy reading this chapter.
Also I want to thank everyone who even considered clicking on this fanfiction and read so far! It means a lot to me!

A week had passed since Jason had asked Freddy to stay. Freddy was sitting on the bed in the hut. Jason wasn't there with him. He probably was straying through the areas around the camp, searching for intruders - like he had always done.
Jason had insisted on Freddy sharing the bed with him in the nights, since it had enough space for both of them. He had told Freddy that the same way he had told him to stay - by using some kind of way to sign what he wanted to say. And well.. Freddy had accepted it. The bed was big enough for both of them anyway.

Sadly Jason hadn't talked much in the past days and by „talked" Freddy meant signed. Of course Freddy hadn't expected the taller killer to draw his whole life story in the dirt or something like that, but Krueger was just sad for some reason. He couldn't even explain it to himself. He hadn't slept much either in the past days. He just had been laying in bed for most part, listening to Jason's muffled but soft breathing while he slept. Sometimes Freddy even watched him sleep, before he quickly turned around to face the wall as he felt this strange tingely feeling creep up his spine. The killer still didn't know what it meant, so he didn't like it.

Freddy was happy whenever Jason was around and sad whenever he wasn't. Krueger really didn't understand it, but there had to be some kind of explanation, right?

The worst thing about the whole situation was, the more time passed, the worse Freddy's mixed emotions got and this night it got even worse than it ever had been.

Freddy had been laying in bed for some time now. How long had it been? 3 hours? 4 hours? He didn't even know anymore.
The burnt man had been starring at the ceiling for the most part, trying to resist looking over at the sleeping bastard next to him.
Freddy hadn't even noticed himself turning around. It was only after some time of watching Jason's chest rise and fall with every long breath he took that he noticed that he was laying on his right side, head held up by his hand to watch the other man. Krueger blinked a few times as he realized that he had been watching Jason again.

It definitely wasn't new for Freddy to watch people as they slept. No, that wasn't it. He'd normally do more than just watching people sleep. He'd haunt them in their dreams, showing them what real nightmares are and how dangerous they can be. The fear of the people he had terrorized, had given him strength. It had given him the ability to stay in this world. Strangely Freddy didn't even feel like he needed that right now. He felt totally different. For some reason he didn't even want to haunt anyone's dreams anymore. So that definitely wasn't the reason why he watched Jason while he peacefully slept next to him. Freddy didn't watch Voorhees because he wanted to haunt his dreams at night or because he wanted to stop the soft breathing that sounded muffled due to the mask the other killer was always wearing. He didn't see any reason to watch the other man. He just wanted to.

Freddy slowly sat up and crept a little closer to the big body laying next to him. He was still watching Jason, suddenly reaching out with his right hand. He moved it through the air slowly - like there was a unvisible wall or boundary that he was afraid of.
The burnt man carefully put his right hand on Jason's chest. Now Freddy could not only see Jason's chest rising and falling, he could not only hear Jason's breathing.. he could feel it. Freddy's heart felt like it skipped a beat and out of nowhere the foreign feeling got even worse than before. It had never been like that before and it made him feel nervous. It wasn't like he hated that feeling, but he didn't like it either. He just didn't understand it at all.

Freddy's eyes now traced from Jason's chest up to Jason's mask as he wondered what was hiding behind it. He thought about trying to carefully take off the other killer's scarred mask while he still slept or just lift it a little, before he realized how ridiculous that was. Jason would not only be angry, it also didn't bring Freddy any kind of benefits. Why would he want to see his face? What was the point anyway..

Krueger moved back a little to sit on the edge of the bed. It was still dark outside, the moon being the only source of light. Freddy rubbed his eyes and tried to sort his thoughts, but it just wouldn't work. His mind kept racing like he hadn't used his brain in the past 5 years.

Since there was no point in trying to get some rest, the killer got up from the bed and made his way to the door of the hut, floor boards creaking softly with every step he took.

Outside Freddy took a few deep breaths to calm himself down a little. He felt the cool wind on his burnt skin. The trees and bushes around him swang rhythmically, the leaves of the plants rustling softly.

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