It's Only Water

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Freddy was sitting on what was left of the wooden pier. His legs were softly swaying back and forth, only a few centimeters above the water's surface. The man enjoyed the soft breeze that was stillt blowing. Here and there you could hear a bird chirping from afar - even though this place seemed rather dead.

Krueger opened his eyes, the sun blinding him at first. He watched as the big star rose slowly. The world around him grew brighter and one shadow after another disappeared. The water of the lake glimmered in the sunlight and Freddy loved how the gentle waves seemed to devour each other. The killer's mind was still racing, but at least he had managed to calm himself down a little. His heart wasn't beating crazily and his chest didn't seem so tight anymore.

That was until he suddenly felt a hand on his left shoulder. The burnt man almost jumped into the lake, startled by the sudden touch. Freddy quickly turned around, his muscles tense. He only relaxed after seeing Jason with a worried expression look down on him.

Freddy grunted before he gave Jason a small smile and turned back to the lake into the direction of the sun. Jason, however, just stood there, tilting his head and watching the other killer from above.

"Sit down, Jason", Freddy spoke after a while. He didn't like the other man just standing behind him. It made him feel like he was being watched and he really didn't enjoy that right now.

Jason hesitated at first, but - despite really not liking the lake at all - sat down next to Freddy. He kept his legs on the pier though. Voorhees probably didn't dare sitting down like Freddy had done and wanted to keep a good distance between himself and the water, if possible.

The pair sat in silence, watching the last of the sunrise together. Jason seemed to flinch a little whenever a higher wave hit the poles of the pier - even though the waves actually weren't high at all. The two killers were just sitting on a pier at a lake and not on a beach by the sea after all.

"You really don't like the water, do you?", Freddy asked, turning his head to the left to face Jason. He sat much closer than Krueger had at first realized and he had to calm himself down a little to not freak out again.

Jason shook his head. He really, really didn't like the water.

"It's alright", Freddy began, taking Jason's right hand into his left and pressing it gently, "It's just water. It won't hurt you."

Krueger gave the other killer a genuine smile - which was totally out of character for him - but frowned when Jason's gaze wandered from Freddy's face down to their hands. Realizing what he had just done, the burnt man quickly pulled back his hand, muttering an apology and something about not knowing what he was doing. His heartbeat grew intense and Freddy tried to calm it by fixing his gaze on the glimmering sun in the lake. It didn't work, because only shortly after Freddy had pulled his hand back, he could feel Jason's hand back in his. Surprised Krueger turned back to Jason. The taller man's gaze was fixated on Freddy as he intertwined their fingers, his pupils wider than they should be allowed to be.

Freddy smiled, before carefully laying his head on the others shoulder. Voorhees didn't seem to mind and Krueger happily gazed at their reflection in the water as a strange warmth flooded him. He didn't know what they were doing, but he didn't mind. This was the best thing that had happened in a long time.

After a while Freddy started to feel heavy. Keeping his eyes open seemed to get harder from second to second, so he just gave in and closed them. Still smiling he drifted off, only half noticing the arm wrapping around his waist.

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