Chapter 1

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The first thing I heard this morning was my roommate, Leah, banging around in the kitchen. I slowly levitated out of bed, getting to my feet, putting on my slippers, a hoodie and shuffled into the kitchen while rubbing my eyes slowly. I stood in the doorway slowly leaning on the door frame as I looked over at Leah who was cooking something on the stove. I couldn't really see what she was cooking from my blurry vision.

"Morning." I yawned stretching, Leah looked over at me with a big smile fully dressed looking pretty, "Morning~" she sang happily as she put pancakes on the table. I slowly moved to the table and sat down before putting some pancakes on my plate. "Why are you so awake and happy this morning?" I asked as I started to put my toppings onto my pancakes before digging into them. "Well~..." she started as she sat down opposite me, "Taehyung's coming around with his mates later. They all want to get to know us so I said it was okay if they came around." As soon as I took in what she said I nearly choked on my pancakes, I quickly grabbed my orange juice and took a big gulp, "T-their all coming over?" I asked starting to shake. Leah nodded as she continued to eat her pancakes while scrolling through her phone, "Yes. They're coming just after lunch and staying for dinner with us before they have to go back to their apartment." She told me. I got my phone out of my hoodie pocket and squinted trying to look at the time. 8:45. WHY AM I UP AT 8:45!!!

"What are you going to wear?" Leah asked as she put her phone down before getting up from the table starting to put her plate in the dishwasher. I finished my pancakes and stood up. "I have no idea. I'll find something. But first I'm going for a shower." I answered walking back into my room, grabbing a towel from my cupboard and going into my bathroom to have a wash and a shower. Once I came out, I dried my hair and put it up in a messy but cute looking bun. I walked to my wardrobe while Best of me came on my Spotify, I looked through my wardrobe and ended up picking some blue ripped mom jeans, with a baggy cream jumper and my grey vans. I got changed and grabbed my phone turning off my music, by that time it was 10:30 ish.

I walked into the living room and sat down next to Leah and started watching whatever she was watching. I had to admit. I was really nervous about meeting the boys, I was quiet a big fan of theirs and I had met Taehyung before but never the others. I think I would get along with them all fine though. Before we knew it, it was 1pm and I was scrolling through my phone waiting for them to ring the bell. As soon as I heard the noise my head jolted towards the door, Leah opened it revealing seven handsome boys, Tae hugged Leah tightly before nodding his head towards me smiling. I got up and walked to the boys putting my phone in my back pocket. "Elle, Leah, this is Namjoon, Seokjin or Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok or J-hope, Jimin and Jungkook. Boys this is Elle Leah's best friend. And you already know Leah." Tae said as he pointed to each boy when he said their names, they all waved. I smiled and waved at all of them back. One boy I noticed kept looking at me. He had black hair and I think Tae said his name was Jimin.

Everyone went back to the sofa's to sit down. I sat in between Hobi and Jin. They're so so so funny. I knew I was gonna be good friends with these two. I gave Hobi and Jin my number and social media's before getting up starting to walk to the kitchen before stopping after I heard my name being called, "Elle! Jimin needs a drink will you take him into the kitchen please?" I nodded and waited for the boy to catch up with me before walking into the kitchen. "The cups are in the top left cupboard." I said with a smile before sitting on the counter. "I'm Jimin. Park Jimin. It's really nice to meet you Elle." I blushed slightly and looked away, "Thank you. It's nice to meet you too. I'm really big fans of you guys. I think your music's amazing." He looked over at me in shock. "Y-you like our music?" He asked as I nodded, "Wow.... well maybe you should come to a concert. It's a lot of fun backstage. And I...I mean we would all like you to be there." I smiled over at him before getting a drink myself. We spent a lot of time in the kitchen alone just getting to know each other. Jimin gave me his number and his personal social media's. I thanked him and walked back into the living room with him as everyone looked at us.

"What do you guys want for dinner? We were thinking take out." Jin suggested as he looked at the two of us. "Take out sounds good." I replied sitting down on the sofa next to Hobi, Jimin sitting next to Taehyung. "There's a really nice Chinese place down the street." Leah added. We all discussed what we wanted and I set the table with Jin while Leah rang our order through. We talked a lot while we waited for our take away to deliver. "Elle!! Jin!! Come over here!! We're taking a group picture!!" Jungkook yelled as he grabbed his phone, opening his camera. I laughed and walked over sitting next to Jimin but leaning on his arm slightly as everyone was trying to fit on the sofa. We took the picture and I immediately got up blushing not even wanting to look at Jimin from embarrassment, I heard my phone make a ping. I took it out of my back pocket unlocked it seeing that Jin had added us all to a group chat. Jungkook had sent the picture into the group. I clicked on it and smiled looking at it before saving it and setting it to my lockscreen.

When we heard our door bell I went to the door and payed the delivery man before grabbing our food going to the kitchen. I plated everything up and put it all on the table so people could pick what they wanted. Everyone grabbed a plate and started digging in before sitting back on the sofa starting to watch Spider-Man: Homecoming. I didn't eat much since I can't eat around new people. Once I felt like I had eaten enough, I decided to put my plate in the kitchen. When I came back I sat back down next to Leah and listened to the boys conversation. "We have a tour coming up soon. It starts in LA." Yoongi said as he flicked through his phone with an emotionless expression. All the boys nodded but had frowns on their faces, "Could we maybe ask the manager if we could bring the girls with us? They would have extra protection and it's not like ARMY don't know about Leah anyway." Jungkook suggested as he looked around at his hyungs. Jimin's face immediately lit up as he smiled, "Yeh! I agree. Let's ask the manager at practice tommorrow."

All the members agreed and then all went quiet. I looked around the room at all of them just smiling, I couldn't believe how funny and amazing they were. Especially Jimin. After a while of talking the boys decided it was time for them to go home, they all said goodbye and gave us two a massive hug, obviously Taehyung gave Leah a big hug and a long and passionate kiss, I refused to look so I continued to talk to the other boys. Jimin was the only one who hadn't gave me a hug yet. But when he did, it felt like he would never let go, or he didn't want too. Once he pulled away he gave me his signature smile with blush rising to his cheeks. He couldn't like me could he? or could I like him? 

Once all the boys had left I went straight to my room getting into my pj's, which was a baggy t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I couldn't stop thinking about Jimin. But i'd only just met him. Was this weird? Is it normal? I fell asleep with all these questions running through my head. But I slept like a baby. 

(Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, this is my first book so I would like to hear what you think about it. thank you for reading it! Elle~)

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