Beginning Information

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First character
Height: 5' 6'
Eye color: Left Eye: Red. Right Eye:Black
Hair color: Black
Backstory: Her parents died when she was really young and the rest of her family didn't want her so she went with foster parents for a while until the police found out she was getting abused by them by the time they found out they decided she was old enough to take care of her self. She moved to a new town to get a fresh start and the state provides her enough money to live on her own. To sum it up.

Second Character
Name: Ein
Height:5' 9'
Eye color:Green
Hair color: Black
Backstory: Ein grew up with his wealthly parents his father wanted him to look up to him but his mother wanted him to live a normal life so his parents were constantly bickering because of this he grew up getting into fights and getting into all sorts of trouble.

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