Chapter 2

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       As I arrived to the school I noticed all the students were outside the front of the building. It was a nice way for me to make new friends. So I walked over to a few people I thought wouldn't be rude to me and started talking to them.
        I ended up making two new friends which was a really good start. Sapphire, a blue haired girl with red eyes who was really sarcastic and didn't seem to be interested in anything except some tv shows we both liked I found out. Kira, a long brown haired girl who always seemed to have some sort flower in hair and was super up beat all the time and who I found out just moved here too.
       Their was one moment when I happened to look up and see a cute edgy looking guy staring as he smiled at me while talking to his friends it looked like. He couldn't see it but underneath my mask I was smiling. My face got a little hot. "Azure, why are you blushing?" Kira stated. I instantly stopped staring at him and acted like nothing happened. Which she knew was a lie. "You and that guy were staring at each other and he made you blush. Omg." she pushed. "" I nervously said.
        Why was I blushing I have never even talked to this guy. Yet he made me blush and smile. What the hell is going on with me.
       "Told you, so is that your boyfriend that moved here to be with you and one night you guys are going to run away together!!!" Kira practically floated in the air from the air she took back in after she rampled on about me and him. "How many kids do you guys wanna have? I suggest 20! When is the weddi-" she continued before I cut her off it had only been 40 seconds after she started talking she basically rapped all of that. "-N...No it's not like that I don't even know him he just started staring at me and I happened to noticed." I explained. She stared at me for a second and then giggle a little then she turned me around. "Well I guess he likes you so lets go get him before none of that happens now." She said also dragging Sapphire with us. "Wait noo he is talking to people!"I stated while trying to stop my feet. She pushed harder after realizing this. "You only find true love once in a life time Azure now is not the time to get shy!" She said "I don't even know him Kira!" I said getting really nervous and embarrassed because I realized everyone around us could most likely hear us. He seemed to noticed what was going on and stopped talking, same with everyone else in his group at about the same time we were right by them.
        "Hi, I'm Kira" Kira introduced herself to all of them. The green haired boy smiled and said "Nice to meet you Kira. I'm Leo." Greeted the boy. The next boy leaned forward. The white haired boy spoke "I'm Slate." He said thinking nothing of it but all I could think about was that him and Sapphire would make a cute match both sarcastic and not caring. The boy that was staring at me looked very interested "Hi I'm Ein." The black haired boy said. Kira the nudged me a little to hard and knocked me forward and I tried to catch myself but I ended up tripping over my feet. I knew that i was falling so my first reaction was to put my hands in front of me to catch myself. I closed my eyes and waited for it to happen. 1 second.. nothing happened...5 second nothing... I looked around two hands had a hold of my arms I moved my feet to were I was standing straight. I looked up to see to green orbs. He let go of my arms while smiling.
         Those are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen I have ever seen and that smile. God. Wait what the hell snap out of it Azure. They all must think I'm clumsy.
         "Thank you." I looked up to see Ein. "Ein. Uhh I'm Azure." I said "It's no problem. It's Nice to meet you Azure." He said. We continue to talk. Mostly about school. The only thought I had was.
    Why didn't Sapphire introduce herself?
    Then it dawned on me she has lived here her whole life. So she knew them already. I felt a little stupid for not remembering that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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