Chapter 1

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  -Azure's Pov-

       I remember the day I first ment Ein how could I not after all this is a love story between him and I. When I moved I never intended to meet anyone or fall in love I thought that there was no chance in hell I would and I did really think about it.
        That year I had just moved into a new house in a new town to get a fresh start. It was just me living by myself. I started a new school this time it was a private school so their were uniforms we wore. The boys wore black pants and a short sleeve dress shirt or long sleeve if it was cold with a red tie some of them rebeled against the tie, the girls wore black mini skirt with a black dress shirt like the boys with a red tie as well. We were aloud to wear whatever shoes we wanted. The school was very neat  and clean. This is just what I got from my tour around the school and what was told to me.

        *alarm sounds* I jumped up startled by the noice. As i rubbed my eyes I thought to myself.
          No dreams again just the black void that went through my head as I slept. I better start getting ready for my first day of school. I want a good first impression.
          So  I got up went over to the bathroom and jumped in the shower my mind wandered like it normally does in the shower, but I didn't waste time my brain was to distracted by the thought of my new school. The more I thought about my new school the more my anxiety got higher.
          Am I going to make some friends or am I going to be sitting by myself the rest of my high school life. I hope I don't embarrass myself in front of everyone. What if my skirt is to short. What if I fall on someone. What if-
         I slapped myself. "Don't overthink it just calm down." I said to myself aloud. As I finished rinsing out my hair I get out of the shower. I wrap a towel around my wet body. I focused my mind. I walked back to my room and started putting on the clothes I had layed out the night before on my dresser.
          I liked the uniform because it was already the colors I normally wear, black and red. I had bought some converse to wear with my school uniform. They don't have any fancy designs or anything like that they were just the normal black and white high tops. I put on my usual face mask that just covers my mouth and nose.
        Hopefully they don't think me wearing a mask is to weird. I just always found it to be easier for me to not be so insecure with it on.
       I got back to the bathroom and put on some eyeshadow and eyeliner. I usually create a smokey eye with winged eyeliner. I put my hair up in a pony tail leaving my bangs out.
      After I'm done doing that I grab my bag and head to the kitchen for a bagel and coffee. While I'm eating I create a bunch of different scenarios were I embarrass myself. Just like I always do when I'm nervous about something.
       When I finished my bagel and coffee. I walked out the door and locked it. I began my trip to school. Even though my anxiety was high over going to school and I felt like a lamb being led to the slaughter the walk there was calming and peaceful.

Broken Lovers (oc×oc)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें