Part Two

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Python stared down the set of stairs. She was extremely afraid of the dark, and also claustrophobic. Deciding to face her fears and accomplish the current task at hand, she prepared to descend into the void of blackness.

Walking down the stairs, every now and then Python breathed a small jet of flame to see. After a while, the stairs ended, and the passageway widened into a small cave. Not really small. Is this like a secret bunker or something? Python mused, running a talon across an old table strewn with papers.

The papers were pretty old, but she could make out a lot of them. Some read "A young NightWing's guide to clearing their head" while others read "Foresight log"

This was a pretty interesting bunker. Python looked around until she found something really interesting. Drawn on the wall was a set of seven symbols.

There was:-
A bell.
An Amber jewel.
A medicine bag with a broken cord, tied back together to be worn once more.
A picture of fire clashing with ice.
A picture of a large mountain. Jade mountain maybe?

The last two symbols were hard to make out, but Python identified them.
They were:-
A red X
And lastly, a red plus sign

The symbols were connected together rather wierdly, as lines went to at least one other symbol, but some went to more than one. Python noticed something else:-

The X was connected with lines that were more faded than the rest. Maybe this meant something? Python didn't know.

She took a piece of scroll and sketched down the symbol rather roughly, and rolled the scroll up and stored it in a small pouch she carried.

Time to get out of here. She thought, anxious to leave. She bounded up the stairs and exited the secret passageway. After a while, the bookshelf slid back into place, and the book returned to its former position.

Guess the new owner already knows? I don't know. It may be something to show them when and if they arrive.

So that was her job, protecting this house, she supposed.

After a while of searching for Thorn, Python found her talking with another dragon, who was a bit younger than her, but about the same build.

Thorn recognized Python almost immediately, and exclaimed, "Python! You're back! Did you get the house seen about?" Python nodded and went back to studying the other dragon, who was watching her intently as well. After a while of Thorn talking to the newbie, Thorn finally decided to introduce Python to him.

"Python, this is Qibli. He's our new recruit!" Thorn exclaimed, patting Python on the shoulder.

Python nodded and shyly waved at Qibli. She wasn't much of a talker, and was more into being silent and reclusive. Although, Qibli turned his head just the right way, and she noticed it almost immediately.

He had an amber earring.

Python stopped herself from gasping out in happiness. She had found him! After all of those years of searching, she had found him! "Qibli, where'd you get that earring?" She asked the male anxiously. Qibli responded quickly, with neither a face of sadness or happiness showing "My mother gave it to me, before she kicked me out."

Python nodded in response, and asked. "My mom did that too. Did she tell you that someone had the other one?" Qibli smirked and nodded.

"You know what this means, right?" She asked, rather eager for the upcoming ending of this. Qibli would hug her tightly and they'd live together as siblings.

Qibli smirked and slid close to Python. "That we are related?" He asked, a rather excited look on his face as well. Python supposed the feeling was mutual, and her heart skipped a beat. SHE HAD A BROTHER! She held her talons out and he pulled her into a hug. "It's good to finally meet you, sis!" He said, close to Python's ear.

Thorn interrupted the moment with a soft but recognizable "ahem". She then added, "Python, is the house all situated and everything?" Python nodded, pulling out of the hug with her brother.

"Good. I'd like for you to watch it, maybe keep it in good condition?" Thorn requested, and Python obliged. Qibli smirked and exclaimed, "Don't worry big sis, I'll make sure to visit you and talk every once and a while!" Python giggled and hugged her brother.

Python watched that house for many years, keeping it secure during the war, and keeping it kept tidy after sandstorms. She soon grew attached to it, and upon request from Thorn to the owner, she had been given a key and permission to stay whenever she pleased.

Python eventually met the owner of the house. He was an old dragon, apparently the widowed father of three dragonets, one dead, one close to being dead, and the last never around to comfort the old dragon. He was a purebred IceWing, and was very kind to Python. He praised her on what a good job she did cleaning, repairing brickwork and woodwork, and cooking for him when he was there.

Python loved the house. It was just perfect, as she had a friend and a place to call home.

All of that changed when she got the letter on the doorstep. It was sealed with a black seal in a red envelope.

Opening the letter, she began to read it. It read:-

To the caretaker of this house,

It is of unfortunate terms that I must confess that the owner of this estate, an IceWing named Blizzard, took his own life recently . No motive has been discovered, but until one of his offspring claims the estate, it will be passed to the caretaker.

A key has been given to Blizzards's only known offspring, and he will possibly visit soon.

Best wishes-
-Prince Smolder of the SandWings

Python dropped the note with a spike of horror. Why had Blizzard killed himself? Did she do something? Either way, Python had a good life, and it had been taken away from her.

Python sat down. Guess this place is mine now unless Blizzard's kid comes to visit. She thought, trying to stay on the bright side. After a while, she got bored and decided to go to her room and sleep.

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